Anti-fascist demonstrations and protests took place in numerous cities in Greece on October 7. On the one hand, this happened on the occasion of the anniversary of the Golden Dawn trial, but above all, there was a broad mobilization against the more recent fascist attacks!
"Fascism is put down by people' struggles" was heard at the demonstrations, as reported by the Greek news site "". Furthermore, slogans highlighting the true role of fascism as the long arm of the system were spread. An attempt was made to show that the murderous and anti-people policies of the bourgeoisie and the imperialists feed fascism and launch it against the people and the youth.Several thousands participated in this anti-fascist protest. The recent fascist attacks with crowbars and knives by the youth organization of the fascist "Golden Dawn" in Athens and Thessaloniki triggered a great wave of solidarity and resistance! These attacks were in a row with the attacks of the police on demonstrations of the teaching staff, the implementation of new anti-strike regulations, as well as a generally massively increasing police presence and repression! More than justified is the resistance of the masses, which must exert much further to create self-defense, also against the fascist thugs of the rulers of Greece, these fascist and reactionary lackeys of the imperialists, this so-called "left" government SYRIZA.