In the recent weeks, measures of the bourgeoisie handling the corona pandemic have intensified due to the number of infections in several countries. One thing is quite clear, most of the measures are not about the protection of the health of the broad masses of the people. It is mainly an intensification for more repression and that the bourgeoisie can look at how far it can go.
Of course, this met with great international resistance, especially in Holland and Belgium, for example. There, the masses have delivered several street slats with the police in Enschede (NL) was even declared by the authorities a state of emergency.
In all cases, the bourgeoisie tries to denounce the justified protests. It is all fascists, Corona – deniers, esoterics and people who believe in conspiracy theories, and yes, they may be at the forefront of these protests in some areas, but this is also differing very much from country to country and area to area. But with the hundreds of thousands who have taken to the streets in recent weeks and for a decent health system, for measures that are to protect our health, which are against the shifting of the burden of crisis to the masses of the people. This group of thousands of masses are systematically tried to be oppressed by the bourgeoisie and presented as deniers and fascists.
