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AUSTRIA - Important actions of struggling workers, nationally and internationally!

Since September 2020, progressive forces in Austria with independent, struggling workers have been developing important work against the closure of a MAN plant, which is regionally of great importance and would plunge over 8,000 workers into unemployment. But not only that, also nationally, for the struggle of the working class, as well as for the international union, this struggle is important.

After an independent demonstration and a workers meeting, a petition was launched on a self-initiative - against the closure of the factory and against mass layoffs. This significantly helped to mobilize the population and broaden solidarity. The pressure on the workers at MAN is now being increased. In a vote, they were forced to agree to massive downsizing and firing (of almost half the workforce!). An absolute majority of the workers voted against this! While the reactionary trade union leadership relies exclusively on negotiations with the company and deliberately refrains from leading the workers to struggle, there is great support from the population - both from Austria and internationally. In Bulgaria, independent workers called for support of the workers at MAN, and in Germany, strong actions of international solidarity were carried out in several cities!

This is an important example that the workers trust in their own strength and an important example of living internationalism!

[source: arbeiterhilfe ]

Action of solidarity in Germany:


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