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BULGARIA - Eighth day in a row, tens of thousands took to the streets!

Since July 9, the masses in Bulgaria demonstrate and rebel against the corrupt and anti-people puppet government of the EU imperialists!

Thousands of Bulgarians took to the streets also yesterday, on July 16, for the eighth day in a row. The protest gained strength and clarity. While provocateurs, as demonstrators reported, are bringing about targeted escalations and the various factions of the ruling parties are trying to use this protest for their own benefit, one "workers' bloc" stands out in particular: "We participate in the demonstrations as a workers' bloc and take a counter position to the demands of the ruling parties who dominate the protests. We also fight against the influence of US imperialism, which supports these protests. We are making a statement against oligarchy and capitalism," said one demonstrator.

The workers bloc is supported by revolutionaries and independent trade union organizations. Among them, the Bulgarian nurses' union (SBMS), whose representatives participate in the protest because they have the position, "Real trade unions should be side by side with the demonstrators!" The protest, so the nurses, will continue every day until resignation! "For Bulgaria!"

"Resignation is only the beginning!"

What the struggling workers are clear about: the resignation of the government is only the beginning! They organize the masses under social demands, because "By attacking these social problems, we will hit the root of corruption and mafia systems, not only their visible political manifestations like Boiko, Peevski and Geshev", according to the independent workers' association ARK.

Rightly the masses of Bulgaria are taking to the streets and rightly they have no confidence at all, only anger and rejection for this government. It is a government that openly serves the interests of the imperialists and their corporations, exclusively for the profit of a few Bulgarians, not for Bulgaria. Boiko Borisov's government, is not "only" corrupt, it has been working intensively since 2009 to plunder the Bulgarian people and destroy the country. With the help of the EU, with the alliance "Citizens for a European Development of Bulgaria" founded by Borisov, he served as a good lackey for over a decade. Not least during the pandemic, the debris left behind by this government was once again clearly visible.

The masses rightly go on protests and demand the resignation of the government! But, as the struggling workers of Bulgaria rightly demand: Resignation is only the beginning! The social problems, the sell-out of the country, the oppression and plundering of Bulgaria by the imperialists - all these problems will not be solved by a resignation of the government, but will be fought for by the firm union of the workers and popular masses!

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