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FRENCH STATE - Actions of People's Solidarity

The Young Revolutionaries (Jeunes Révolutionnaires) have organized many further actions of people's solidarity in recent weeks! "They were very well received by the inhabitants, who confirmed the necessity of this work where the state had left them! How can a mother alone with three children buy masks for her family at the price where the wholesalers sell them? Faced with the bourgeoisie, who sometimes force us to work again without protection and leave us to die in our neighborhood, we organize ourselves! Dare to fight, dare to win," wrote the Young Revolutionaries in their reports. In Lyon last week they also supported the struggle of hospital staff for better wages and more resources.

In Aubervilliers, people's solidarity was organized to distribute masks, hydro-alcoholic gel and leaflets:

Collection and distribution of food and hygiene products in Lyon:

Mask distribution in Caen:

The Young Revolutionaries in Nantes went to the market of Malakoff to distribute hydro-alcoholic gel to the inhabitants and to show the need for workers to organize against pandemic:

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