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FRENCH STATE – Young Man Shot Dead By Police!

A young man was shot dead by the BAC (The Anti Crime Brigade) in Marseille on 14th of February.

Without warning, the cops shot the young man, Mehdi (18) with a gun before putting him on the ground and beating him, shouting "we got you". The police then gassed witnesses in the vicinity once they were joined by reinforcements. When Mehdi was dead, the police, with the help of the judiciary, worked out a version that we know far too well to make the victim look like a criminal: Mehdi would be a robber, a threatening offender, etc.

Witnesses and neighbourhood groups, including the inhabitants of the city where Mehdi was born, claim that at no time the young man did raise a gun to the cops who shot him. As a pedestrian, he allegedly got into a car that was chased by the LAC before being killed by the intervention of the LAC.

Once again, this case reminds us of the nature of the police, and particularly of the BAC, in the service of the French bourgeois state. It is not a blunder, it is murder! No justice, no peace!

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