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LIBYA - Imperialist "steps towards peace" against the people

After the NATO supported demolition and destruction of the country in the past years and the installation of a pro-western "government" in the capital city, the tensions are aggravating more and more. Especially western imperialists, under leadership of the US, fear about their influence and exploitation of the country, especially oil-production.

Now Turkish government threatened by sending troops to support the pro-western government and the Turkish president Erdogan shows what is the interest behind it: "The Libyan civil war serves as a litmus test for the E.U.," he said. "Will European leaders uphold the liberal world order in the face of yet another attack? Or will they abdicate their responsibilities, as they did in Syria, to watch the crisis unfold from the sidelines?".

Khalifa Haftar, whose forces control much of eastern Libya, called for a blockade of coastal oil export terminals to protest against a Turkish intervention in support of the country's UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA). The western imperialist call them "concerned" about oil blockade and they have one more reason "stabilizing" the situation. Thats why the summit in Berlin from the imperialist powers which are involved in the war took place. Now the main warring factions in Libya, pledged to end "foreign interference" and work towards a "permanent ceasefire".

This means "taking steps towards peace" for the imperialists: Destroying a country, getting control over natural ressources and exploit the country and the people. Now they want to stabilize the situation more and have more stabile control over their influence territory and ressources. It will not bring peace to the people, oppression will even increase.

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