We document important news from Sweden where a Maoist Unification Conference was organised. This strong step which took up the clear direction of the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Sweden is documented also in pictures which we are very happy to document. [Source]
"The comrades from Sweden have established “A revolutionary Communist Party must be reconstituted!”
There is no revolutionary Communist Party in Sweden today. There exists no Communist Party, that is linked with the revolutionary theory bequeathed by Marx / Engels and the First International, that continued with Lenin, Stalin, the Bolshevik Party and the Comintern and that was developed by Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China under his great leadership and, that passes through the People’s War that are happening today in the world in India, Peru, Turkey and the Philippines. There is no Communist Party linked to the revolutionary traditions in Sweden.
They affirm, that such a party must creatively apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the actual conditions. The Party must reject dogmatism, that is, to mechanically transfer a policy that has been applied to other concrete conditions. The comrades delineate with revisionists such as Trotskyism, right opportunism and left opportunism, as well as anarcho-syndicalism." (Translated by demvolkedienen.org)