Following we document an article about the activities within People's War in India, during the Indian Lackey are trying hard to mobilize the masses to there elections:
The old Indian state can not rest, not just before the upcoming elections in several states, as well as the election to the People's Assembly. Already in the first two and a half weeks of this month, the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has carried out further actions.
• On the 6th of March there was a long-lasting battle between combatants of the People's Liberation Army and Central Police Reserve Forces. The reactionary forces were ambushed near the village of Vythiri in Wayanad district, Kerala state.
• On Tuesday, March 12th, fighters from the party stormed a road construction site in the Malkangiri district in Odisha. Three construction site vehicles were lit and a construction company executive was executed to prevent the area from being opened up to the Indian Army and other security forces.
• In the week around the 13th of March, several wall newspapers were affixed in the state of Odisha. On these was called for a boycott of the election to the People's Assembly, as well as the boycott of the federal elections. "People will get real benefits not through votes but through armed struggle. Hence boycott the polls", was among other things written on the posters. That is just what the old Indian state is very scared about, so it puts its troops in the affected districts on permanent alert to secure the first round of elections on April 11. Even the reactionary Indian press can not deny that there are several bases of the Communist Party and the state has lost almost every influence.
• In Rayagda district, also in Odisha, posters were hung that denounce the Central Government policies and several arrests of comrades.

• On Monday morning, March 18th, People's Liberation Army fighters unleashed an improvised explosive device and opened the fire when a police unit passed an ambush on a street in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district. One policeman was killed in the attack and five others were seriously injured.
• On the same day, combatants set fire to a school in the village of Sondaha, Gaya district, Bihar State, where police forces were quartered. A larger troop number was to be housed there in the run-up to the elections in order to carry out actions against the people and their justified revolutionary war.

• Also on the same day there was a battle between the PLGA and the Indian special unit CoBRA. In the course of this battle one person died.
Even if the old Indian state does its utmost to hold calm elections in the interest of the imperialists and their lackeys, the party, the army and the people will do everything they can to prevent them and rip of the wrong mask of democracy from the face of the old state.