In the following we want to publish an inofficial translation of a declaration released on 1st of December 2021, on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the People‘s Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA). This statement was released under the name of „Jagan“, General Secretary of the Telangana State committe.
The release of a special edition of the 20-year anniversaries of the People‘s Liberation Guerrilla Army
Carry forward the ongoing guerrilla war against the old state!
Young women and men join the PLGA and intensify the guerrilla war
We call on the people to fight for sovereignty. !!
On December 2, 2000, the people‘s liberation guerrilla army (PLGA) was created. Many comrades became Martyrs of the revolutionary movement in India, like the great leader Kanahai Chatterjee. The immortal comrades Sam, Mahesh, Murali gave their lifes, in order to fulfill the dreams of thousands of martyrs of our PLGA that day. As of the December 2 our heroic PLGA turned 21 years. The Committee calls unto the party, command, party members, PLGA commanders, warriors, the Revolutionary People's Government, mass leaders and activists, civil militia commanders, members of the revolutionary masses of the CPI (Maoist) Telangana state committee said.
The efforts of the past 21 years, making India the rise of the revolutionary movement, the new democratic revolution in India during the two decades of successful target 4,483 people have become martyrs comrades. On this occasion we are releasing a special issue of "People's Liberation Guerrilla Army" with the aim of taking the 20 year PLGA presidency to the masses. We call for this issue to be taken to a wider audience.
Dear comrades, people!
Under the leadership of the party, on the occasion of the two decades, the PLGA anniversary, we raise the red flag of MLM, and highlight the achievements gained in the interests of all sections of the people by shedding ones blood. Strongly state that there is nothing for the people without the people's army. Under the rule of the imperialists and their broker rulers, the people deserved nothing more than a miserable life of exploitation, oppression, oppression, rape, dependence and death. The people have no choice but to revolutionize. So, unite the broad masses against the imperialists, their agents, who are the handmaidens
Utilize the positive revolutionary situation in the country and in the world and take appropriate action to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions and create a revolutionary tide. Courageously confront the enemy's tactical 'SAMADHAN' -offensive based on the lessons learned from the mistakes, correcting the shortcomings and overcoming the weaknesses in the revolution. Advancing the revolution towards greater victories in the long-running pattern of people's war with the aim of socialism-communism. Ultimate victory belongs to the people for sure!
* Let large number of youths take up the empty places in the PLGA!
* Intensify the class struggle against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism!
* Widen and unite the ongoing popular struggle against Brahminical Hindufascism!
* We want the oppressed people of India across the country to wage a wider struggle for the protection of the environment against the unnatural and anti-environmental destructive policies of the imperialists and their broker regimes around the world. Let us defeat the ‘Naya Bharat’ being built by the Brahminical Hindutva fascists!
* Onward in the new democratic revolution!
* Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
* Long live the CPI(Maoist)
Revolutionary greetings
The Communist Party of India
Telangana State Committee
