Following we document a first report from the Organisation Committee (FRG) of the international celebration of the campaign for the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Karl Marx:
This has been the celebration of the 200. Years Campaign
Long had it been in planning, tremendously it went: On Saturday the 30th of June about hundred comrades and organisations from ten different countries came together to jointly culminate the international campaign on occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx with a big celebration. It was a celebration truly in the spirit of the campaign slogan (“Proletarians of all countries, unite!”) that especially expressed one thing: The International Communist Movement is ripe to unite under the banner of Maoism and as communists in formation in the FRG we can and must assume this, our, task.
In the powerful and vivid celebration with both its parts (the speeches and the cultural program) the enormous will and urge of all participating Parties and Organisations to overcome the dispersion of the International Communist Movement and to unite under Maoism became very clear. Comrades from the oppressed countries stood side by side with their brothers/sisters in arms from the imperialist nations; militants of the Communist Parties that lead People’s Wars stood united with activists of small organisations, who’s seeds are yet to bloom. On this day, we, comrades from Peru, Brazil, Turkey, Chile, Austria, France, Sweden, Finland, Galicia and the FRG stood united – united on the basis of Maoism.
Who could claim, in the face of this celebration, marxism would be bone dry, would be ancient or would be a thing of the past? Marxism is alive! It lives in the theory and joint practice, in the common songs and slogans, the cross-border theatre plays and the two-line-struggle. It is alive in the stance of the comrades, who have given everything that day to make the celebration into the success it was. A celebration that, in such a form, has not taken place in the FRG for many, many years.
To the comrades who were unable to participate in the celebration because the class struggle in their country does not allow them to leave their post and fly to another country or because the reaction, yet again, has made a dear comrade disappear: Our victory is your victory, comrades! Your messages of greetings have reached and deeply touched us and all participants of the event. Soon the final translations into German, English and Spanish or Portuguese of all the speeches and messages of greeting will be done and published.
Apart from the speeches in the name of the People‘s Movement Peru (Reorganisation Committee), the Revolutionary Front for the Defence of the Rights of the People [Brazil], the Revolutionary People‘s Student Movement [Brazil], the Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist, the Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun, the Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico, the Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile, the maoist Communist Party of France, the Communist League [Sweden] the collective Red Flag [Finland], the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Galicia and the maoist Communist Party [Italy] that were read during the event, also the video messages of the Poor Peasents League [Brazil], A Nova Democracia [Brazil] and the Committee Red Flag will be transcribed and published.
Organisation Committee (FRG) for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx