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ZIMBABWE - Have no trust in former „revolutionary leaders“, fight against Chinese Imperialism and it

„The oppressed peoples and nations must not pin their hopes for liberation on the „sensibleness“ of imperialism and its lackeys. They will only triumph by strenghtening their unity and persevering in their struggle.“ (Mao Tse-Tung)

Meeting of new President Mnangagwa whith chinese President Xi:

On Tuesday, 3rd of April, President Mnangagwa from the ZANU-PF party made his first state visit to China. Chinese President Xi Jinping said: „I‘m willing to work with Mr President to jointly map out our future cooperation and write a new chapter in China-Zimbabwe relations for the benefit of our two peoples.“ The „cooperation“ means more profit for chinese Imperialism out of the masses in Zimbabwe. And what are the „benefits“ for the suppressed Zimbabwean masses?

95% of the people in Zimbabwe are unemployed, the „land-reform“ from the former President Mugabe, which should give the land back to the black farmers, was in reality to give the land into the hands of ZANU-PF party members and lakeys of the imperialists: 2.200 people own 40% of the land. In December, Zimbabwe signed a 153 million dollar loan agreement with China. Xi said China is happy to see the economic reform policies. Mnangagwa even demands to give the land back to the former white land owners, which were expropriated.

Emmerson Mnangagwa, as well as Mugabe, was struggling for independence of the British colonialism in the 60s and 70s. He was a guerilla fighter for the Zimbabwe African People‘s Union (ZAPU) and after in the new formed Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) in 1963, which was a secession of ZAPU and oriented at the People‘s Republic of China under the leadership of chairman Mao Zedong, who supported the national liberation struggle against imperialism and Russian social imperialism.

The Chinese Imperialism used the „old leaders“ of national liberation struggle to intensify suppression and exploitation of the masses in Zimbabwe, to gain more profit out of them. They used their „socialist“ coat to fight against the revolutionary masses and to establish a new bourocratic bourgeoisie. We see the struggle against revisionism is one main point for the struggling masses in their fight for national independence!

Even thought the US-Imperialism is still the main enemy of the struggling masses in Africa, the Chinese Imperialism is as well the enemy of the suppressed masses and it‘s influence is increasing very fast. The Zimbabwean masses will only reach their real independence with the slogan: „All imperialists out of Zimbabwe“.

What a difference between the support of the People‘s Republic of China under the leadership of chairman Mao and the brutal exploitation of the imperialists now!

For this reason we want to attach a document published in the „Peking Review“, the Organ of the Communist Party of China under Mao Zedong, in 1968. In this time huge parts of the masses in Zimbabwe and in a lot of other African countries took up arms to struggle for their national liberation, they liberated big parts of the country and struggled for a revolutionary leadership to follow the way of the Chinese Revolution.

"New Developments in the African National-Liberation Movement

Guided by the all-illuminating thought of Mao Tse-tung, the increasingly awakening African people scored new victories in 1967 in the struggle against imperialism and revisionism, in winning and safeguarding their national independence and, by relying on their own efforts, developing their national economy and culture. Africa's national-liberation movement is surging forward with ever greater vigour.

With the successful unfolding of China's great proletarian cultural revolution, the radiant thought of Mao Tse-tung has been spreading more extensively and rapidly in Africa. More and more revolutionary-minded Africans are avidly studying Chairman Mao's works, and are exerting themselves to apply the invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung in actual revolutionary struggles.

Growing Anti-lmperialist Armed Struggle

The anti-imperialist armed struggle of the African people, who are shackled by colonial domination and enslavement, has made headway during the past year, thanks to the bitter and sustained fighting put up by the revolutionary fighters, now further armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought. The African revolutionary fighters have come to understand more clearly that armed struggle is the only road to national liberation and Mao Tse-tung's military thinking is the most powerful ideological weapon for winning victory.

The Angolan guerillas look upon Chairman Mao's military writings as "sunlight in the jungle." The guerrilla leaders in the Kwilu and Fizi-Baraka regions of the Congo (Kinshasa) always carry Chairman Mao's military writings with them. They often explain to the fighters Chairman Mao’s famous concise formula on guerrilla warfare [The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue] and “The Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention." In Mozambique, when some fighters set out for the battle front, Chairman Mao's works are a must in their haversacks and Chairman Mao badges on their tunics. Their watchword is: "Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory."

What is particularly inspiring is the fact that not only the anti-imperialist armed struggle, guided by Mao Tse-tung's thought, continues unabated in Africa, but with the extensive dissemination of Mao Tse-tung's thought on the continent African revolutionaries are making greater efforts to study and grasp Mao Tse-tung's thought, learning warfare through warfare and steadily improving the art of struggle. After seriously studying Chairman Mao's theory, strategy and tactics of people's war, Congolese (K) patriotic fighters have repudiated the purely military viewpoint and impetuous sentiments for immediately attacking big cities. The idea of building up base areas in the countryside and conducting a protracted war has begun to take root in their minds. They pay attention to strengthening the work among the masses and to political and ideological education of the fighters, thus establishing closer links between the army and the masses, heightening the fighters' political consciousness and raising their fighting capacity. The leaders of the Congolese (K) Patriotic Armed Forces have emphasized more than once: "Only by arousing and organizing the people can we bring about a change in the balance of forces between the enemy and ourselves. We must regard the arousing of the people and the organizing of their strength as a fundamental guarantee for our victory." The Mozambique Revolutionary Committee promulgated an order enforcing strict discipline in accordance with "The Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention" formulated by Chairman Mao for the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought, the African revolutionary fighters have found in Chairman Mao's works the orientation and the correct path to follow and therefore have strengthened their own determination and confidence in carrying the revolution through to the end. They have said proudly: "The enemy has planes and guns, but we have Chairman Mao's works," A Mozambique freedom fighter said: "It is Chairman Mao who has changed our mental outlook, strengthened our fighting will and taught us how to fight."

New Headway in the Struggle Against lmperialism And Colonialism and for Safeguarding National lndependence

Those African nations which have already won political independence are still confronted with a serious and complicated task - fighting imperialism and colonialism and safeguarding national independence. The great leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung has said: "The enemy will not perish of himself" and "the lmperialists and domestic reactionaries will certainly not take their defeat lying down and they will struggle to the last ditch." Under the guidance of this brilliant thesis of Chairman Mao, the people of a number of independent African countries have, in the past year, carried on tit-for-tat struggles against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys. The African people's anti-imperialist and anticolonialist struggle has thus developed in depth.

Following the outbreak of the Middle East events in June, a struggle against the U.S.-Israeli aggression vigorously developed on the African continent, with the masses of the people staging demonstrations in many countries. The infuriated masses smashed the U.S. Embassies in the United Arab Republic and the Sudan, tearing up the Stars and Stripes and trampling it underfoot. Angry shouts of "Down with U.S. imperialism!" "Down with Johnson!" "Down with U.S.-British colonialism and their running dog Israel!" echoed everywhere. A number of countries severed diplomatic relations with the United States or Britain, in protest against their direct participation in the aggression against the Arab countries. The U.A.R. closed the Suez Canal to traffic. The Libyan oil workers staged prolonged strikes, bringing to a standstill the country's oil production, which is mainly controlled by U.S. monopoly capital. The workers and employees at the airport in Khartoum, capital of the Sudan, banned the landing of American, British and West German aircraft.

Meanwhile, the people of a number of African countries have smashed the imperialist machinations aimed at undermining their independence. Time and again, the subversive schemes hatched by U.S.-led imperialism against the Congo (Brazzaville) have ended in shameful failure before the aroused and organized Congolese (B) people. Under the leadership of the National Committee in Defence of the Revolution, the Malian people have initiated a campaign against imperialism and for consolidating and safeguarding national independence and security by weeding out hidden enemies in the Sudanese Union Party, in the government and the trade unions. The Guinean people have exposed and condemned the imperialists' subversive activities, and expelled European missionaries from the country. In Zambia, the security forces arrested five white agents in April, thereby crushing yet another imperialist plot of subversion on the continent.

Weeding Out Imperialist Forces

In the past year, the independent countries have taken measures in the economic and cultural fields to get rid of the reactionary forces and influence of imperialism and to free themselves from imperialist domination. The Congo (B) nationalized two companies belonging to French capital - the Overseas Electric Union and the African Company of Public Services. Algeria nationalized five U.S. petroleum companies. Tanzania announced the nationalization of all banks, foreign banks operating in the country included, and eight foreign-controlled flour mills and foreign-owned sisal companies. Tanzania also replaced all foreign principals of teachers' colleges and boys' secondary schools with Africans; Swahili, the national language, has been designated as the medium for transactions in all government departments and for instruction in state-run primary schools. All these new victories by the African people in their effort to consolidate their political independence, build a national economy and develop the national culture have dealt telling blows to imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism.

Chairman Mao's brilliant concept of self-reliance has struck ever deeper-roots in the hearts of the people of the independent African countries who are developing their national economy. By taking the path of selfreliance and through hard work and arduous struggle, the people of some African countries have surmounted the obstacles and difficulties set up by imperialism and colonialism and are building up their own independent national economy with greater confidence than ever before. They receive disinterested help from the Chinese people in their construction. Thanks to the fine examples set by the Chinese experts working side by side with them, the African working people have deepened their understanding of the importance of Chairman Mao's brilliant concept of self-reliance. Following are some instances of warm praise from the broad masses of African workers and peasants: The Chinese experts have not only helped us in many projects, but, what is even more important, they have brought us the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance. The Chinese experts are excellent and it is Chairman Mao's teachings that have made them so. Take the path of China. Take the path pointed out by Chairman Mao - this has now become the watchword of the revolutionary African people.

Treachery of Soviet Revisionists Further Exposed

Nineteen sixty-seven saw a big exposure of the counter-revolutionary renegade features of the Soviet revisionists in Africa.

Enlightened by the invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung, the revolutionary people in Africa have seen more clearly, from the Middle East events, how the Soviet revisionists employed counter-revolutionary dual tactics to sell out the interests of the Arab people in the service of U.S. imperialism and Zionism. They angrily denounced the Soviet revisionists as "shameless renegades," "allies of imperialism" and "wicked foes of the oppressed people." Unmasked, the Soviet revisionists have become miserable objects of universal condemnation on the African continent.

With the continuous development in depth of the African national-liberation movement during the past year, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, in co-ordination with U.S. imperialism, has been trying in every conceivable way to undermine the struggle of the African people. Through a so-called "Africa: National and Social Revolution Seminar" in 1966, the clique has sought to disseminate the absurd idea that poverty, backwardness and disease are the three big enemies of Africa today and shift the target of the African revolution and wreck the anti-imperialist struggle in Africa. Though thoroughly repudiated and condemned by many African organizations and failing dismally, the Soviet revisionists, unreconciled to their failure, have continued to seize every opportunity to send so-called "schollars" to some African countries to peddle such counter-revolutionary fallacies as "peaceful coexistence" with imperialism, which were likewise resolutely opposed and repudiated by African revolutionaries.

More and more revolutionary people in Africa have seen through and scathingly castigated the various revisionist wares hawked around Africa by the Soviet revisionist clique, such as "peaceful coexistence," “means of advancing bit by bit" and "the existence of a practical possibility of avoiding an armed conflict." Refuting the fallacy of "peaceful coexistence" propagated by a visiting Soviet revisionist philosopher, to cite one instance, a West African youth pointed out that this fallacy completely violated Lenin's revolutionary principle: no peaceful coexistence is possible between the oppressed and the oppressors. Seven nationalist organizations published a joint statement, condemning the Soviet revisionists for trying to sell their socalIed “Tashkent Spirit” in Africa. The “Tashkent Spirit,” the statement sternly pointed out, was nothing but capitulationist stuff passed out by the Soviet revisionists on the instructions of Lyndon Johnson, and a most insidious poison for the revolution and the revolutionary people. The ruling Soviet revisionist clique has of late brazenly announced its "resumption of diplomatic relations" with the puppet clique of Mobutu, who is a lackey of U.S. imperialism in the Congo (K) and whose hands are dripping with the blood of patriotic people. This has once more bared the renegade features of the Soviet revisionists.

Meanwhile, more and more revolutionary people in Africa have come to find out the fraudulent economic, military and cultural "aid" extended by the Soviet revisionists to some African countries which is designed to cover up Soviet political betrayal. They say that such "aid" is in fact handed out for the purpose of controlling the recipient countries politically, economically, militarily and culturally, and exploiting them and keeping their people from taking revolutionary actions. The people of quite a number of such "aid" receiving countries, who have tasted this bitter cup to the full, have come to realize that the ruling Soviet revisionist clique is an accomplice of the imperialists headed by the United States, a false friend and real enemy of the oppressed African nations, a stumbling block to the African revolution. To oppose imperialism, it is necessary to oppose revisionism as well. Only by carrying on a still more resolute struggle against imperialism and revisionism can the revolutionary African people win complete victory in their national-democratic revolution.

It can be confidently expected that the flames of the African revolution will rage still more fiercely in the coming months of 1968. Just as the representative of an African nationalist organization has said: The revolutionary struggle of the African people "will follow the logic of the people as defined by the great leader of the Chinese people Chairman Mao: 'Fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again… till their victory.' For we know we are fighting a just war and whatever temporary difficulties we may meet, we are sure to win final victory." A leading member of the Western Front Political Commission of the Congolese (K) Patriotic Armed Forces said: "We are convinced from our own experience that only by closely following Chairman Mao, by grasping and relying on Mao Tse-tung's thought can we bring the revolution to victory." The African people firmly believe that all the slime and muck left by the old world will be cleansed in the heat of battle and, with the invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung illuminating the way, a new Africa will come into being.”

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