A report about the demonstration on the Day against Violence against Women, of the Red Woman*s Committee Hamburg. Source: Dem Volke dienen
„Often it is the case, that actions and demonstrations of the progressive movement rather have the character of a required course instead of a combative event: actions are done to be able to say „we did our duty“, to mark the date in the calender, without efforts to actually advance the movement. Sadly it looks like the 25th of November, the international day against violence against women, had this character on many locations in the FRG. When we look at the reports of various cities, we cannot have another conclusion. Representative is the case of Hamburg, a nationwide „stronghold“ of the „extraparliamentray left“, where only around 100 people got on the streets. One thing is clear: if the whole periphery of the women's groups and clubs, that participated in the preparation of this demonstration, would have supported it with full force, the number of participants would have been in the thousands. If it would not have been handled like a required course. Of course the given situation has to do with the understanding of the role of the woman in the revolutionary movement. Either you see the struggle for the emancipation of the woman as a „side contradiction“, what is a clear revisionist standpoint for us, or you see proletarian feminism as a cornerstone of every revolutionary activity. Therefore the work of the Red Women's Committees in various cities is exemplary for us and every revolutionary has to support it.“
In this sense for the 25th of November of this year, the Red Women's Committee Hamburg organised an independent demonstration in Hamburg. This combative demonstration went though St. Pauli and also across the Reeperbahn, the „amusement centre“ of the city of Hamburg. The more than 150 participants of the demonstration also got attacked by patriarchal pigs, what was answered resolutely. Amongst others the slogans “wave on wave, blow by blow, against imperialism and patriarchy“ and “rebellion in word and deed, fire and flames for patriarchy“ were called.