2. Sept. 20212 Min.

Greece - Again thousands on the streets against Covid measures

Last Sunday (Aug. 29), thousands of people again took to the streets in Greece to demonstrate against the government's repressive Covid measures. In Athens, there were combative clashes with the police.

While the health care system in Greece has been massively cut (not least because of the EU sanctions) and the population is largely left to its own devices, the government is relying on repression and compulsory vaccination. Justifiably, thousands took to the streets again to fight back!

The new infections in Greece rose again strongly in the last weeks, mainly because of the vacation time, the tourism. In parts of Crete and other islands in the Aegean Sea there are already again nightly curfews. But there is also increased pressure to vaccinate. Last week, the government announced further restrictions on leisure and work for the unvaccinated. As of September 13, unvaccinated people will not be allowed to go to restaurants, cafes, bars or sports clubs. In addition, Covid tests are to become chargeable - however, unvaccinated employees and workers in the public and private sector (depending on the activity), must be tested once or twice a week. Similarly, there is mandatory testing for unvaccinated students. In addition, as of September 1, there will be compulsory vaccination for employees in the health sector; those who are not vaccinated will be exempted, without pay. In the field of geriatric care, there is already a vaccination obligation since mid-August, who refuses may not come to work and is additionally threatened with fines. This measure is in particular in view of the large care worker lack, no protection for the population, but a blow directly in the face!

These measures are in no relation to the health protection that exists for the Greek population: In terms of daily health care, the life and health of the Greek population is massively endangered by the policies of the government, as well as the ruthless cutback policy of the EU. Rightly so, thousands took to the streets!

In Athens, according to the media, 3,000 people went to demonstrate, in Thessaloniki there were even 5,000! In Athens it came in the evening additionally to combative clashes with the police. Fireworks were hurled at the police, who used tear gas and stun grenades against the demonstrators.

The protest against the repressive pseudo measures to fight the pandemic is justified! What is needed is an expansion of public health care!