20. Feb. 20211 Min.

FRANCE - Ongoing actions of People's Solidarity

The organization "Young Revolutionaries" (Jeunes Rèvolutionaires) of France, we already reported about it, continued also in the past weeks very successfully their actions of the People's Solidarity!

The last week also in Grenoble actions were carried out for the first time. So, in this action, several dozen meals were distributed and many interesting conversations were held with the residents of the residence, as reported. The Jeunes Rèvolutionaires of Rennes have organized a public health table. Other People' Solidarity actions were also organized in Lyon and St. Etienne: Activists have distributed food and products of the most urgent need to people in the neighborhood.

With all actions, the Jeunes Rèvolutionaires link political agitation against the policies of the rulers and call to organize!