30. Juni 20181 Min.

HUNGARY – New attacks on right to protest

Just a few days ago on Thursday, the 26th of June, Justice Minister Laszlo Trocsanyi introduced legislation that‘s very likely to pass government. It forbids the participation in rallies or assemblies that have not been granted a permit. The bill says, assemblies that infringe on the "rights to privacy or the protection of their family, home, human dignity, or the dignity of the Hungarian nation, or of national, ethnic, racial or religious communities" can be disbanded by the police. It also prevents protesters from carrying weapons, wearing military garments and covering their faces during rallies and demonstrations. According to the Justice Minister it mirrors Germany‘s legislation on this topic.

With this bill, the ruling class will basically try to stop any justified protest they want to, legalized by law.

A picture from the big protests after Victor Orban was elected Prime Minister

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