17. Jan. 20182 Min.

AUSTRIA - 70.000 against new government

We document an report from Austria, about one of the largest demonstrations in the last years in this country:

Huge Demonstration in Vienna: 70.000 are demonstrating against the new government!


Up to 70.000 demonstrators joined the demonstration on Saturday, 13th of January, in Vienna. A strong expression of the people, that the attacks of the rulers are not accepted unanswered, because they target many parts of the population in Austria and especially the lowest parts. The demonstration started at “Christian-Broder-Platz” and went on to the “Hofburg”, and the whole way was full of demonstrators. The Antifascist Action joint the demonstration in an alliance with different democratic, antiimperialist and rebellious forces. This alliance stick out because of an struggling and internationalist expression and many antifascist flags. Also the transparent with the slogan „Away with the new government!“, „Down with the capital!“ and „Forward with struggling antifascism“ showed this expression, also an Persian transparent with the same slogan and the participation of many migrant demonstrators.


From the beginning on up to the end, many slogans was shouted, also new creative slogans were developed for this demonstration, which target the attacks of the government, but also give an perspective for the antifascist movement. Slogans like „Defend and struggle, don’t be silly, 12 hours working day will kill us!“, „Long live international solidarity, defend neutrality!“ and „The Capital has many colors, lets fight all of them!“ were shouted.


This spark which was lightened up today in the antifascist movement we can not allow to go out. All revolutionaries, antifascists and democrats have to take it up to forward this movement and to take the initiative in our hands. This means to enlighten this spark, to set new initiatives and to go a step forward. We can not allow the fooling „opposition“ (SPÖ) to blare us and we can not forget, that under their leadership also antidemocratic attacks were made, like for example the cutback of the right for demonstrations, new security laws, as well as attacks on workers rights. Let us base on this success today, lets use the demonstration as an important occasion to forge the antifascist movement even more as a force which leads fare beyond the struggle against black/blue, to an struggle against all forces which try to keep up the system of exploitation and oppression.

Away with the new government!

Down with the capital!

Forward with struggling Antifascism!

#Austria #Massdemonstration #Antifascism