Since January 10, 2021, the oil workers have been on strike again and again, Their struggle is against the threatened dismantling of the plant in Fergana. Several times the workers also nblock the streets near the plant!
Not only the plant is being massively dismantled, the workers are repeatedly confronted with wage cuts. Only 120 workers of 900 should be able to stay. The corporate bosses told them that production has to be stopped due to the oil shortage.
There were protests in Uzbekistan already in the summer of 2020, as workers have been confronted with ever more cuts in their working conditions since the company became part of Jizzakh-Petroleum, a subsidiary of Gazprom.
But strikes are not only taking place in Uzbekistan: Strikes in Kazakhstan, Brazil, USA, Oman, India and many others can be heard continuously. A growing number of oil workers in more and more countries are joining forces against wage cuts and downsizing and are striking against it!