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INDIA - Tribute to CC member Comrade Ramakrishna

A commemmoration event was held for four martyrs of the people's war and the revolution in India in the District Prakasam, Alakura Padu (India) on the 24th of October. On of the martyrs was Comrade Ramakrishna, a Central Committee member of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), who died of illness. The other martyrs where comrades Vardhanthi, Dattatreya and Jayaraja. In a report of that event on the website "Dazibao Rojo", there is written about the event: "Hundreds of people from the surrounding villages flocked to pay homage to their martyrs despite a heavy police presence that prevented more people from coming, as police stopped them at every step. During the gathering, the whole village was filled with posters of the martyrs. The whole village was filled with slogans chanting Johars to the martyrs. Then they hoisted the flag on the stupa and proceeded to the place of homage."

In the commemmoration event there where also speeches held, which especially highlighted the life and contributions of the CC member Comrade Ramakrishna, who "is a wonderful representative of the Marxist, Leninist and Maoist understanding that peace can only be achieved through war, that peace can only be achieved through civil war, that only through people's war can feudalism and imperialism be overthrown.".


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