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INDIA - Comrade Haribhushan will forever live on in the struggle

Comrade Haribhushan, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the Telangana State Committee died at 9:00 am on 21st this June – from Corona virus. His incredible role for the party and the People’s War was described in a newly released document. He will forever live on in the struggle of proletarian world revolution, in the struggle of the popular masses in India.

Comrade Yapa Narayana himself, known by his name of the struggle Haribhushan or Lakmu, came from the deepest and broadest parts of the Indian popular masses, and became one of their highest and greatest leaders, a member of the Central Committee. For the past 30 years of his 50 years of life, he gave his life to the revolutionary struggle of the People’s War in India. He came from a tribal family of the peasants that live in central India whose heroic struggle become an important basis for People’s War. He was born in Madaguda village, without a road or electricity. He went to study at university despite the most unfavorable preconditions, and used his education to serve the people.

“He was humble towards the seniors and members of the upper committee. He keenly listened to what they said and strived to implement them. He was friendly with the cadres from the lower ranks.” says the declaration of the CPI(Maoist). He developed himself in the guidance and under the command of the party and the proletarian ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and studied it consciously. “Comrade Haribhushan possesed great courage and dare, initiative and determination and made any activitiy of the party successful. He became a nightmare for the enemy.”

The tribal people of central India live in the most backwards regions. Stripped of all wealth of the country the Imperialists have always tried to drive them away from their land in order to mine its natural resources. The tribal people have fought back successfully, and their struggle and experience was incorporated on a higher, universal form in the People’s War when the party united with them.

Comrade Haribhushan represents this in his personal biography. 30 years it took for the party to develop a proletarian leader of the highest rank from the tribal masses, smashing both arguments that the tribals were “backwards by nature”, and that that the party leaders were only middle class intellectuals, using the masses as kettle for their maneuvers. The opposite is true. “In addition to the entire party, the entire oppressed tribal peasantry was proud to see Haribhushan develop to this level. His development from a tribal background to a genuine proletarian leader in the proletarian party stands as a milestone in the history of revolutionary movement.” This is a milestone for the International Communist Movement and the struggle of the exploited and oppressed worldwide.

Comrade Haribhushan joined the Radical Students’ Union (RSU) in 1989, a mass organization of the party that was formed in the 1970ies. The RSU was created as a result of the inner-party struggle of two lines against the sectarian line. As a result the sectarian line was smashed and the development of Comrade Haribhushan through this mass organism is proof for the correct nature of the red line. So at the end of the 1980ies, when the party sent students and youths to the forest to create the first guerilla zone, Comrade Haribhushan was one of them.

From then on, he led the life of a revolutionary. He organized the people. He helped the party lead the struggle against revisionist groups, especially the CPI(ML)New Democracy. The CC saw his potential and decided to develop him. In this way, he was formed to join the highest of committees, like the protection platoon of the CC. He was a delegate to the Unity Congress-Ninth Congress in 2007 January, and fulfilled his duties to the fullest. “He was elected as the Secretary of Telangana State Committee in 2015 plenum” and finally “as a member of the CC in 2018 November.”

The party especially highlights his important contribution to the struggle in Telangana. When the Indian state of Telangana was forcefully annexed into the state of Andhra Pradesh in 1956, the contradiction between the two people created deep national oppression of the people of Telangana. Therefore, they waged continuous struggle for national self-determination. This meant the struggle for a separate state of Telangana, a struggle that was victorious. The party always supported the free-Telangana movement, and continued it up after the creation of Telangana state as the struggle for a democratic state of Telangana.

Comrade Haribhushan accomplished to develope the struggle in the decline of the revolutionary movement.

After the party organizations were almost completely smashed, he manage to regain the state for the party and thus 12 regional committees were reorganized in Telangana in 2020. Under the name of Jagan, he wrote the press releases for the Telangana state committee of the party. “He applied the party line to the concrete conditions of Telangana.”, the party writes, re-confirming that the proletarian ideology will crystallize in leading personalities. In this way, comrade Haribhushan was a represented Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and was part of the development of its application for the way of the Indian revolution.

He was a great military leader: “He made possible the raids and ambushes that seemed impossible.” There are many examples of great actions under his command. He took over the command of a platoon in 1998. This was at the time of a large counter-insurgency campaign by the enemy. “In this background the operations that Comr. Haribhushan led made a large impact in fighting back the repression of the enemy.” Like the raid on the Karakagudem police station in Khammam district in January 1997, that was a huge demoraization for the enemy, killing 16 policemen and seizing arms. He played a vital role in fighting back the gruesome Greyhound offensive in Andhra Pradesh (and Telangana), that dealt heavy blows to the party. He led the tactical-counter-offensive-campaigns (TCOC) by the party. “He made remarkable effort in fighting back the enemy attacks through joint TCOC of the Telangana and the Dandakaranya forces.”

The 2004 Koraput raids in Odisha, as a prominent action of the whole revolutionary movement in India, seizing 535 arms at once, was under his command. In 2021 the PLGA took up a very large encirclement attack on 750 enemy forces, fighting back “Operation Prahar”, where 2000 joint enemy forces entered the guerrilla zone, dealing a heavy blow on this counter-insurgency campaign. Comrade Haribhushan played a decisive role in this.

“He had enormeous activity, initiative and utmost skills needed for a guerilla. Thus he could escape from many cruel encounters. The government forces announced him dead in a few encounters. They also took up ‘Operation Haribhushan’ to end him. But he failed their plans.” No method of assassination, neither coverts nor poison was successful. In the end, comrade Haribhushan succumbed to Corona.

In India the pandemic has killed millions. This is first and foremost the because of the horrific state of general public healthcare. This goes to show the genocidal nature of the bourgeoisie, that has brought people’s health to such a state while giving way to the development of zoonotic diseases like corona through destruction of the natural environment. In this way, every dead from Corona is a dead of Imperialism. In the case of Comrade Haribhushan. “He had been suffering from Asthma, Bronchitis and Blood Pressure for a long time and had been taking medicines. Along with fever he developed breathing problems and tested Corona positive. He was administered with Corona medicine and was given artificial Oxygen. But he had problems in breathing and finally died out of a heart attack.”

Other comrades that were sent to surrender themselves to be treated for corona in the old Indian state hospitals were immediately arrested. Comrade Haribhushan died in the struggle, because the imperialists use the effects of the Corona-pandemic as a weapon against the People’s War.

He remains a great leader and example to the tribal masses that he came from and to the Indian proletariat and toiling people as a whole. He lives on in the their glorious struggle against Imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism and proletarian world revolution.

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