The year 2020 has brought a great sharpening in the General Crisis of Capitalism. The revolutionary storms have intensified, around the world and specifically in the cases of the People’s Wars. In India, the year 2020 has brought - among gruesome repression - great advances for the Communist Party of India (Maoist) [CPI(Maoist)].
The general strike in January
The year 2020 has drastrically increased mass protests all around the world. In India, the biggest strike in human history happened in January (and then even bigger in November). The general strike in January saw close to 250 Million people take to the streets, against attacks on workers rights, migrant rights and the sell-out of the country to imperialists.
The relation to the People’s War is drawn by the Indian rulers themselves. A police speaker “didn’t rule out” the possibility of the protest marches being used for strengthening the base of the banned Maoist outfit in Magadh region, and protesting activists like Akhil Gogoi have been arrested on charges of being an „overground worker“ of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The old Indian state is proving with this only that the people struggling against their oppression see their interests the best defended by the CPI(Maoist) and the powerful People‘s War let by it.
Resistance in the face of the corona-pandemic
As the Corona-Pandemic-measures took place, the CPI(Maoist) took the position for the people and the proletariat in the face of the Corona-Pandemic.
While the Modi government used incredible forms of restraint against the people, they failed to take measures for the poor before the lockdown, forcing millions of migrant workers to move back to their villages. The CPI(Maoist) critisized these measures. How could the Indian ruling classes have controlled corona with insufficient medical facilities and testing centers in the cities, in a country where Millions of people have no access to clean water and soap, let alone health care? They demanded measures for the poor, and shot against the acts of repression and fascisation.
Soon, the reactionary media claimed the party had called for a ceasefire during the pandemic. This was only an attempt of psychological warfare by the reaction. Later reports came “Maoists are using lockdown time to regroup in Bastar”. Amidst intensified repression, the Party was able to gain strenght.
“With the security forces mostly confined to their camps over the past three weeks, the Maoists have been visiting and camping in the areas they had ceded earlier like Todma and Dantewada-Katekalyan main road. They meet villagers, hold meetings, recruit ground-level forces and strengthen their Jantana Sarkars, the people’s councils through which the Maoists run their government in Dandakaranya. They are digging the lanes that lead to police camps and planting landmines in the lanes that have now been deserted, police officers say.” It became obvious that the claims of a “ceasefire” did not match the reality.
Faced with great repression
As part of ‘Operation Samadhan’, the old Indian state increased repression against the party in the beginning of the year. The party organized protests and successfully defended itself.
The Old Indian state started an offensive into the disputed areas in Chattisgarh called “Operation Prahar”. On March 21st, one of the biggest recent stand offs in recent history between the old Indian state troops and the combatants of the PLGA took place. “Three of our comrades got martyred while fighting bravely with the security forces.” Meanwhile, 17 counter-insurgency troops of the district reserve group („DRG) were killed.
In October the old bureaucratic state reported plans for anti-CPI(Maoist) operations in the Maoist‘s stronghold of Chhattisgarh, „in collaboration with five neighboring States — Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Odisha, Jharkhand — and West Bengal, to tighten the noose around insurgents who strike in one State and escape to another“. Again, the Party organized resistance.
Many news of the killing of police informers have surfaced. Those informers “were killed because they were working for the Police and were sentenced to death in ‘jan adalats’”, as the CPI(Maoist) reports. Those courts represent a new form of democracy against the old semi-feudal order, that are part of the „Revolutionary People‘s Committees“ (RPC), the new power that the struggling people under the leadership of CPI(Maoist) are building against the Imperialist world order.
Many comrades have been martyred in these struggles. This is why the CPI(Maoist) has called to observe “Martyr’s week” in July.
Where the old Indian government does not succeed with brute force, they make ideological attacks. In this light, the rumors of “Infighting” and even of “Ganapathis surrender” spread. The party answered: “In brief, the fascist Modi government which has saffron ideology been failed internally and externally in all fronts. To build confidence in the corporate forces and foil confidence of people upon our party, these traitors prepared this 'high-tension surrender story'. We are appealing the people to throw away these traitors from this Indian soil. “
“Despite all these things,” the party writes, “our party and movement has been strengthening in some states like Telangana and elsewhere.”
Expansion into new areas
After 2019 has brought an expansion of the revolutionary areas, as the Karnataka-Kerala-Tamil Nadu tri-junction, 2020 has in general increased this trend in People’s War.
The Party announced some good successes in Telangana. They formed as many as 12 area committees and reconstituted the state committee. Many exchanges of fire with police took place. In solidarity with the revolutionary writer Varavara Rao, imprisoned sick with Covid-19, there has been a general strike organized in Telangana. By brutal repression, the Party was driven out of Telangana by the Greyhound programme before. Therefore, this is a very important victory.
In the state of Bengal, there was also a dramatic increase in actions. The Party was more or less inactive in this state, like in Telangana, since the great leader, comrade Kishanji was killed in November 2011.
Also in the forests of Sarjamburu in the state of Jharkhand, where the the “Maoist activities” were “almost eliminated”, the Indian media reported of extensive and successful recruitment campaigns by the CPI (Maoist).
Meeting of revolutionaries
In June, even a three-day meeting was held in the Bastar region of Chattisghar District from June 18-20. There were 10,000 in number, including revolutionaries, sympathizers and sections of the people who attended this gathering.
The program was full of cultural activities and reports about the past and the great achievements of the past years. The martyrs of the People's War were also held up in India.
Adivasi protests
Protest by Adivasis, Indian natives, increased over the last year. In July the CPI(Maoist) supported big protests and a call for a strike in Andhra Pradesh demanding implementation of “Government Order No. 3”, that helps Adivasi people in teachers positions. There were massive rallies and even attacks on police stations organized, with thousands of villagers participating against the old Indian states repression.
The 2nd of December, the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the People‘s Liberation Guerilla Army, under leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), has been the starting point for a year of militant actions and celebrations of the PLGA and the People‘s War in India. Many actions have already been observed, like Posters, banners, a music video and many more.
“Since 2001, according to CMC’s compiled data, the armed cadres of PLGA killed 2958 and injured 3507 security personnel of central and state forces.” 4483 cadres, including 294 PLGA comrades, have been martyred in the past two decades.
However hard the blows of reaction may be, the masses in the midst of the people's war will recapture every millimeter and more!
The next mass protests
On 30th of November, the "bharat bandh", the national strike with over 250 Million people took place. Even bigger than in January, it became the biggest strike in human history, took place in support of the „farmers protests“ in India. One minister claimed the protests “almost got infiltrated by Leftist and Maoist elements”.
This shows how afraid the old Indian state has become of the CPI(Maoist) that they defined as “the biggest threat to internal security”. In the face of the objective situation, this is no wonder. Despite brutal repression, the Party is advancing, strengthening their support by the masses and leading new battles.
Support the people’s War in India!
Long live the CPI(Maoist)!