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PALESTINE - Israeli forces attack Palestinians during Nakba protests

As every year, thousands of Palestinians protested on May 15, the day known as "Nakba", which means "The day of catastrophe", describes the day on which Israel displaced more than 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and more when 500 villages and towns were destroyed. It was the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba. Again the demonstrators were attacked by the Israeli armed forces and attacked with tear gas. Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinians while attempting to attack the military post in Abu Dis. Attacks on the Palestinian population by the Zionists have intensified in recent months. More and more villages and areas are expropriated and given to the Israelis. The latest threat is the announcement of Israel's annexation of the West Bank. In the West Bank in particular, there are mainly Palestinians, who have been trying more and more to evict in recent years. Free Palestine! Support their justified struggle!

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