Police inspector eliminated in action of the PLGA
An inspector of the 195th battalion of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was killed after being hit by the explosion of a mine planted by fighters of the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The attack took place on July 30th in the village of Mardum, located in the district of Bastar, Chhattisgarh state. This year alone, more than 15 members of the repressive forces have been killed in PLGA actions. The eliminations were undertaken by the CPI(Maoist) both by means of explosives, as well as in sabotage and ambushes.
From July 28th to August 3rd there has been a celebration in India of the "Martyrs' Week", an annual tribute that the CPI(Maoist) - together with the PLGA and the Indian masses - holds in memory of the heroes who gave their lives for the Party and the Revolution. According to sources of the Indian bourgeois press, the repressive forces keep a high alert during this period, because traditionally the PLGA carries out armed actions as a way to commemorate and avenge their heroes. The Maoists had spread banners and posters throughout the country calling on the masses to commemorate the date.
[source: anovademocracia.com.br]