Following we document an article about protests on India's university in Hyderabad. The students went on hunger strike, against that due to economic pressure, the university is open to only to people of the elite.
The "SINE-DIE" Suspension of academic activities in TISS HYD is oppressive and tyrannical.

The students of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad are protesting against the exorbitant hostel fees which is pushing many underprivileged students to dropout of the course entirely. The two main demands of the students are one that the earlier fee structure be implemented for all existing and future GoI PMS students including those relying on other financial aid and reinstate the ty of Hostel Management, the second demand is that the management has to display the tender and contract which was made with the new service provider. This is the first time that the tender and contract arenʹt displayed in the notice board which hints foulplay in the whole situation. The management had multiple talks with student body but none of them were productive. The students of TISS HYD have been on mass hunger strike since 4 days. Till today almost 5 students got hospitalised . Yet the management did not agree to their demads. Today 15.7.19 a mail was sent by TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Acting Registar Mr. Balamurgan that the Hyderabad TISS campus should suspend all the academic activities "sine-die" asking the students to vacate the campus by 5pm on the same day .This step by the management can only be interpreted as their attempt to silence the dissenting students and to cover up their larger foulplay in choosing the new service provider of the Hyderabad campus. The ʹDialogueʹ condemns this draconian, autocratic move by the TISS administration and stands in solidarity with the students of TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES HYDERABAD.