On Monday, the 25th of February the Hight Court in Bombay granted bail to Comrade Ajith, an important Maoist leader, also known as Konnath Muralidharan.
Comrade Ajith is in prison for almost four years now. He was arrested in May 8th in 2015, while he was being treated in a hospital Talegaon Dhabada, close to Pune. Since that time he did not get the medical care he urgently needed, although he had undergone a heart surgery a few years ago! Ajith’s health has been a cause for many activities of international solidarity, especially after he was in hospital for two weeks in September 2016. All over the world, intellectuals, human rights activists as well as revolutionaries demand proper medical treatment for Comrade Ajith and his release. Huge international campaigns were carried out for the release of Comrade Ajith!
Comrade Ajith is a well-known and beloved Maoist leader in India, but also international he has done important contribution to the communist and revolutionary world movement. He is known for his struggle against revisionism, especially against “Avakianism” and was an editor of the international revolutionary magazines “Peoples’ March” and “A World to Win”.
Comrade Ajith spent all his life for revolution, for decades he fulfills a very important part of the struggle against imperialism and revisionism. He was feared and hunted by the enemies of the Indian masses. But the fascist Indian state could not get him for a long time. And even after Comrade Ajith was taken to jail and tortured, he could not be broken. His imprisonment sparked a huge wave of solidarity in India and international, so that the reaction could be forced to close in - fearing an even bigger wave of protest!
Around the upcoming International Day of the Political Prisoners, the 18th of March, there will be international days of action demanding the release of Comrade Ajith! The past already showed the importance of resolute international solidarity. Show on these days a strong and resolute expression of international solidarity!
Free Comrade Ajith! Free all Political Prisoners in India!
Support People’s War in India!