Every year, from July 28 to August 3, the CPI(maoist) (Communist Party of India (maoist)) gives out a directive for international actions in solidarity with the martyrs of the people‘s war in India, which is lead by the party.
Even though police controlls and surveillence of regions near the active people‘s wars regions, there already have been reports of actions in India. Banners and posters were put up in different regions, like the Andhra-Odisha district, Kalimela Area and near Hanumal village calling out for memorial of the martyrs and Charu Mazumdar.

Also, reports rose up of members of the People's War Guerilla Army killing a police informant one day before the start of the week of martyrs in the Galikonda Area.
India and its Communist Party have the most progressive people‘s war in the world, in which over 15.000 fighters have died, giving their life for the party, the revolution and the oppressend people. Everyone has to learn from their example and use it to advance the revolution in their own country – this is what proletarian Internationalism means.
Honour and solidarity to the martyrs of the people‘s war in India!
Join the actions for the week of martyrs!