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WEST BANK - Police attack Palestinian paramedic

Last week Palestinian paramedics were attacked several times. They were prevented from caring for the injured by the Israeli border police. Earlier last week Palestinian students protested against the kidnapping of the student speaker by Israeli undercover soldiers. They marched to the northern entrance of al-Bireh. Israeli border police shot at the students and injured at least eight of them. Other students were beaten by the Israeli border police while recovering the injured. Four Palestinian paramedics were also beaten and threatened by the border police when they tried to take care of the injured.

A paramedic said she was injured by the soldiers for the third time. The attacks and abuses will not stop them from fulfilling their humanitarian mission. In the past, paramedics were repeatedly attacked by the Israeli border police to prevent the injured form being taken care of. This behavior is a war crime, but without consequences for the Israeli border police.

Videos of the war crimes:

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