Despite recent reports oft he old Indian state, which is wrongly claiming successes over people’s war, led by the CPI (maoists), the People’s Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) intensified it‘s operations in the border region of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The PLGA was able to deny the fascist forces of the old Indian State entry to regions in which they operate. The PLGA is organizing meetings among the villagers oft he region and building defenses against the government offensive and paramilitaries. Members of the PLGA damaged the roads, blasted a bridge and injured three persons including a Cobra jawan (Indian special forces) in the last few days. Government officials where forced to order an increase of troops to this region, which is clearly saying who hast he initiative. On the other hand people’s war has been able to spread in several regions and was able to intensify it’s operations.