Press Statement from Kobad Ghandy:
After being acquitted in all cases and spending eight years and three months in jail, when I, Kobad Ghandy was finally released from jail, I was re-arrested by the Jharkhand Police just three days after release. On Dec 16, 2017, I was attending the Achempet Court (near Hyderabad), the Jharkhand, accompanied by the APSIB (Andhra Pradesh State Intelligence Bureau) arrested me and took me by flight to Ranchi. This FIR has been pending since 2010 and even though I and the Cherlapalli jail authorities wrote to the JMFC Bokaro/Tenughat twice for production there was no response. The first letter was written more than one year back on November 2, 2016. And when there was no response to this a reminder was sent by me and the jail authorities on March 9, 2017. Still there was no response. Though I am 71 years and in serious health conditions. Immediately after release I had a check-up at the Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, which recommended at least one month's complete rest. It is clear the police methods are being used to kill legally, given I am 71 years old and in very poor health. Since seven years they did not bother about this case, but in order to keep me in jail as an under trial indefinitely, they arrested me immediately on release. In the case they have taken me, most have been acquitted and the rest are on bail. Yet the harassment. If anything serious happens to my health in jail with this arrest, I will hold the government responsible. Given that I have been acquitted in all cases, that most have been acquitted in this case, and my age and health condition, demand my immediate release.
Kobad Ghandy, Dec 16, 2017

Kobad Ghandy, 16.12.2017