26. Juli 20182 Min.

AFGHANISTAN - Safe country?

The United Nations and its affiliated organizations lately reported on the continued and aggressive ongoing war which is oppressing Afghanistan's civilian population. The United Nations, as a partner in the crime of occupying imperialism, although it wants to appear as a neutral institution, publishes statistics every three months in civilian casualties, poverty, malnutrition, unemployment, forced displacement, health, education, human rights, women's rights, children Work, and ... without condemning the real factors who are the US-NATO occupying imperialists, the Kabul government, the Islamic mercenary groups and influential warlords in the government of Kabul. They call this reactionary and dirty war between the imperialist and reactionary states "the current violence".

The UN says the number of civilian casualties and injuries this year has been unprecedented in Afghanistan. According to the most recent figures in the first six months of this year, 1,692 civilians were killed in Afghanistan.

In the first six months of this year, more than 3,000 civilians were injured; 363 children were killed and 992 were injured, with a total of 1355 children.

The UN did not even mention the bombings and air strikes of USA and its allies that killing the people. Not long ago, during past weeks more than 40 civilians, women and children were killed in two US-led air strikes in Afghanistan. First on July 13th in Paktiya (southern Afg.), the second on July 19th in Kunduz (northern Afg.). The US military says they targeted the Taliban commanders. But these are the Taliban commanders they’re talking about:

Certainly, the number of dead and injured is always higher than that of the media or UN. Only in past two weeks on July 11th, 15th, 19th, 21st, 22nd and 24th more than 70 were killed and more than 130 were injured in several suicide, bombing, rocket and direct attacks ONLY IN KABUL. Meanwhile, as NBC reported, four Taliban leaders recently met with US officials for several times in Kabul, the United Arab Emirates and Doha to meet with each other for their sinister demands.

With all this still Afghanistan is safe in the occupying eyes of imperialism.

Down with Imperialism!


Down with Imperialism!

#afghanistan #Safe #downwithimperialism #NATO #USA