We document a translation from an important call from "Peoples Currant Red Sun" from Mexico:
From the countryside to the city, from the mountains to the sea, from the jungles to the factories, from the mountains to the slums, from the schools to the hospitals, from everywhere, we, the SolRojistas, are preparing to celebrate Chairman Mao Tse-tung's 128th birthday with revolutionary joy, in the firm conviction that Maoism is the new, third and higher stage of Marxism, namely Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism.
We will also celebrate the anniversary of our democratic revolutionary organisation, 5 years of public life and 14 years of working among the people, years of organising, struggle and resistance, of the high toll of blood we paid for the struggle and advancement; the faces and names of ourFvolk fallen comrades accompany this important date. The comrades who fell in the struggle will be avenged in the struggle!
Finally, together with the comrades of the Centre for Culture and Studies of Science for the Proletarian Revolution, we will present an important work summarising essential writings of the greatest Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, mainly Maoist of our time, Chairman Gonzalo. We defend his leadership and powerful thought.
The red flags of the New Democratic Revolution, agrarian and anti-imperialist, are raised high and brimming with revolutionary optimism. It is a good way to end the year and announce that we will also start 2022 in an organised way, with the development of our General Assembly. Both events strengthen us and reaffirm us in our ideology, which is proletarian and scientific.
Long live the 128th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung!
Long live the 5/14th anniversary of the People's Current Red Sun!
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his powerful thought!
Uphold, defend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
