Here we want to share a translation from a statement of the Mexican "Sol Rojo" on the great loss of the death of Comrade Saúl Morales Hernández.
"You lived as you wanted, fighting and struggling. Your decision was so firm that not even death could defeat you. In memory of our beloved comrade, militant of the Sol Rojo and member of the Press Commission. Saúl Morales Hdez. 10/06/2021 Comrade "Chino Pelón Our sincere condolences to his family members and ¡farewell comrade!"
This 10th of June, 2021, the heart of a combative worker stopped beating. He is one of those proletarians amazingly capable of embracing revolutionary theory in order to embody it in their daily life and put it into practice.
Comrade Saúl Morales Hernández, affectionately known among the Sol Rojista militancy as “Chino Pelón” has left, leaving his struggle in the class and the people well present.
Saúl was a worker in the bottling industry, he was part of the promoter nucleus of the Inter-Union Federation in the H2O purified water bottling plant; From there he led the fight for free unionization. Together with the working mass of the bottling company, the strike broke out in fact, he demanded union registration from the labor authorities and later, when the union leadership of which he was a part was dismissed, he led the sit-in in the city's main square with his red and black flag on the shoulder.
Even in spite of the momentary defeat, when the bosses and the state imposed on the union charros of the CROC, Saúl and a handful of well-conscientious comrades decided to demand the unjustified dismissal and continue the agitation clandestinely inside the factory.
Perhaps, in the words of León Chávez Terxeiro, "it was a very early time and very few entered the organized struggle" ; But Comrade Chino Pelón never lost confidence in the forces of the class to which he belonged in flesh and mind. He lived to give himself to his class, fusing his destiny to it.
Saúl continued as an activist of the Intersindical, he expressed his solidarity with the struggles and strikes of education and health workers, he was in solidarity with garbage collectors and scavengers. He accompanied the struggles of Inter and its various unions.
When the moment came to take firm positions, Comrade Chino Pelón took the path of breaking with revisionism and firmly and consistently embraced Maoism. "We are Chinese to the core" he said while letting out his laugh that flooded everything.
Firm was also seen mounting barricades in Hacienda Blanca, stopping the advance of the federal police that June 19, 2016. Repeling gases, guiding the youth, fighting tyranny.
"We are no longer the same as we were yesterday" thundered his voice in the constituent assembly of our democratic organization.
"We cannot allow ourselves to be the same thing as voters and negotiators," his voice thundered at the first public act of our militant organization.
Saúl Morales Hernández, convinced of the need to agitate the program of the New Democratic Revolution, fully joined the work of the Press and Propaganda Commission.
Who does not remember him in the marches, on the Isthmus, in Oaxaca, in Mexico City? Marching with the Red Sun, marching with the Intersindical, marching with the CNTE, also marching with the young normalistas, waving with the Mural Newspaper in hand.
Our Chino Pelón, with his flag around his neck, or muffled with it. Our combative comrade Saúl, making the flag a standard and a combat weapon, beating the pigs, also beating the renegades and opportunists.
A few days ago, seriously ill, his family took him to Chiapas - the land where he was born, to spend his last days with them.
He managed to say goodbye to the militancy that visited him. Taking his red flag in his hand, he said goodbye to his comrades with a smile and his eyes filled with tears.
A front-line combatant has departed!
A great element of our organization has departed!
One of the best sons of the Mexican working class has departed!
An essential has departed!
Comrade Saúl, Comrade Chino Pelón; the SolRojistas flags that you proudly raised and defended today bow in your memory. We swear to you, comrade, that we will know how to carry them, raise them and defend them with the love and indestructible trust with which you did.
Saúl Morales Hernández, you live in the hearts and struggles of the working class and the people!
Honor and glory to Comrade Chino Pelón!
Long live the working class!
Central committee
Press and Propaganda Commission
State Committee-Oaxaca
Red Sun Village Stream
10th of June, 2021