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INTERNATIONAL – International report on the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels

On the 28th of November was the 200th birthday of the great Frederick Engels, co-founder of Marxism. Numerous activities and actions have been made on that important occasion for the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples in the world. That there were so many activities on this 200th birthday of Engels shows the significance of this great spearhead and his work. There was such a huge variety of forms to celebrate that day, which were made by progressive, revolutionary and communist forces. The forms of activities and actions included graffiti, demonstrations, events, fireworks, wall-newspapers, posters, etc... These activities and actions showed in a lively way, how the heritage and work of Friedrich Engels lives on in the struggles today and leads the progressive forces to develop the struggle in the service of the proletariat and the masses.

Frederick Engels, as one of the five greatest leaders of the international proletariat, showed us in a convincing way, that the ideology of the proletariat is not a „lifeless“ formula, but a struggling ideology, because it is the only proletarian and scientific ideology. That is why the true heirs of the work of Frederick Engels are the parties and organizations who struggle today for the scientific application of the proletarian ideology, today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and with that struggle for the leadership of the struggles of the masses. This leadership is expressed in the reconstitution and constitution of the Communist Parties and with that in the struggle for the masses, to implement the hegemony of the proletariat within the struggle. This means mainly the struggle against right-opportunism, as well as against „left“ sectarianism.

The ideology of the proletariat, which was founded by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels and developed in two further stages to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, is an integrated whole, a unity, which can not be separated from each other. This ideology lives with its application in every country. This 200th birthday of Frederick Engels and especially the „International declaration on the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels“ from the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations [press here for the declaration in English] shows in a lively way the presence of the work of Engels today. The activities on the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels show as well, that it is his heritage, which lives in the ideology and its application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, which is becoming more and more the leadership of the new wave of Proletarian World Revolution today, leads more and more the struggles of the masses against imperialism and revisionism and by that shows the way to take the next steps of the tasks of the proletariat and oppressed peoples on the world, the new-democratic revolution and socialist revolution with the goal to communism. The revolutionary and communist forces are measured by their action, by their struggle to change the world, which always has to rely on the objective reality and contradictions in the world, how it was taught by Engels. This 200th birthday of Frederick Engels was an excellent expression of that „action“ in service of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, the unification of the International Communist Movement and the Proletarian World revolution!

Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

Long live the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels!

Down with revisionism! Long live Maoism!



In Brazil there were spread posters for the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels, as well as Graffiti were made on that important occasion. The graffiti wrote the important slogans of the Internatioanal Communist Movement: "Proletarians of all countries, unite! Long live the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels! Down with revisionism! Long live Maoism!"


We want to share a video from the people's newspaper "Mural" from Mexico in collaboration with the Center for Cultural and Science Studies for the Proletarian Revolution (CCECRP) on the occasion of the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels, on November 28. It shows the life and significance of Frederick Engels, accompanied by an extract from Rafael Alberti's poem with the title “A ghost runs through Europe”.

Coinciding with the date of the 200th birthday of Fredereick Engels and the 109th anniversary of the signing of the Ayala Plan, dozens of democratic and revolutionary organizations mobilized in various parts of the national territory, also raising solidarity with the comrades of the People's Front in Defense ofthe Land and Water of Tlaxcala, Puebla and Morelos after the eviction of the Apatlaco camp carried out by the National Guard (fourth reactionary army corps in the war against the people). Within these actions, the "Red Sun" (Sol Rojo) blocked the railroad tracks in the Port of Salina Cruz in rejection of the imposition of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus (CIIT), making a new call for unity in action and speaking out against harassment.and repression carried out by the old state.


In Chile also posters for the 200th birthday had been spread.


In Equador there was made a poster for that important celebration.



The Communist Party of India (Maoist), who is leading the People's War and celebrates in this month the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Peoples's Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA), made an article in the revolutionary organ "People's March" [Read here the full statement on the 200th birthday in the newspaper "People's March", p. 13]


The Communist Party of the Philippines made a declaration on that important celebration. [Read here the English version of the declaration]



In Austria there were made various activities. On the "Frederick Engels Square" in the 20th district in vienna, in front of the "Engels Hof" (one of the biggest Community buildings in Vienna) there was made a short demonstration and firework to spread the 200th birthday within the thousands of people who live there. The slogans were holding high the five classics of the proletarian ideology: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong. There were also posters used, that the masses and revolutionaries can write their statement on that anniversary. Also the Turkish revolutionaries from Partizan in Austria attended some of the activities, like the demonstration at the Frederick-Engels-Square.



In Galizia banners and posters have been spread on the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels.


In Berlin a painting was made in honor of Friedrich Engels: 200 years of Friedrich Engles! As well as there where made 200 red flags, commemorating the 200th birthday.

A fierce demonstration was held in Wuppertal. German and Turkish revolutionaries successfully defended this demonstration against police attacks! Also in Wuppertal a lot of red flags were raised in honor of the 200th birthday of the great Friedrich Engels.


In Italy there were made actions with posters and wall-papers for the 200th birthday of Frederick Engels. The posters and wall-papers were put mainly on factories. There is also another joint international declaration supported from the comrades in Italy, "Let's celebrate the 200th anniversary of Frederick Engels, Master of the World Proletariat! - Joint Declaracion" [Click here to read the English version]



In Tunisia two posters have been made on that important occasion.


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