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INTERNATIONAL - Activities to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo

Internationally the revolutionary and communist forces took strong position for the defense of the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo, the great Chairman of the Communist Party of Peru and the Peruvian Peoples War. A powerful international campaign started, following the call of the People's Movement Peru (MPP) and in different countries already various activities were developed, stating that the defense of the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo is also the defense of the all powerful, because true ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It was Chairman Gonzalo who gave the communists in the world this undefeated weapon of the third stage of of Marxist Ideology, with the first systematization of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and with this gave to the world contributions of universal validity.

Following we summarized different activities from all around the world which have been developed as an international campaign, showing the living character of Maoism as the only guide and leadership of the Proletarian World Revolution today, on its path to defeat Revisionism and all form of Reaction.

This report will be actualized continuesly.

Move heaven and earth to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo and his almighty Gonzalo Thought!



In Brazil various activities for the defense of the life of Chairman Gonzalo are developed. The League of Poor Peasants (LCP) published a Video defending the Peoples War in Peru and its great leader, Chairman Gonzalo

Also the Popular Women's Movement called for the defence of the Chairman Gonzalo and the Center of People's Solidarity of Brazil (CEBRASPO) called all democratic forces to support the campain for the realease of Prof. Abimael Guzman Reynoso, Chairman Gonzalo.


The revolutionary newspaper "Mural" from Mexico released an call to defend the live and health of Chairman Gonzalo.


Proletarian Revolutionarys carried our various activities to spread the international campaign with the slogan "Move heaven and earth to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo and his almighty Gonzalo Thought!" and "Long live Chairman Gonzalo!".



The Communist Party of India (Maoist) has called in a press release for the immediate release of the Chairman Gonzalo and also called up the trade unions, progressive-democratic forces and human rights organizations of the world to stage agitations for the release of Chairman Gonzalo, leader of the People's War in Peru and the proletarian world revolution.


The Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninst (TKP/ML) developed powerful and various activities. The International Committee of the Party called in a statement the revolutionaries, communists and progressive forces for developing activities for the release of Chairman Gonzalo. There were also rallys for the defense of Chairman Gonzalo organized in Turkey.

Various activities were also organized from Turkish revolutionaries in France, Swizerland, Austria and Germany.



In Norway graffity activities were carried out for the defense of the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo.


In Austria there was organized a protest in front of the Peruvian embassy from Turkish and Austrian revolutionaries to demand the immedate release of Chairman Gonzalo. Also graffities werde made in Vienna.

Turkish Revolutionaries also spread posters in different cities in Austria.


In Germany proletarian revolutionaries organized various activities in the city Bremen, Freiburg, Essen and Hamburg to spread the international campaign for the Defense of the life of Chairman Gonzalo.


In Denmark leaflets and posters were spread in different cities and also graffities for the defence of Chairman Gonzalo where made.


In Finland proletarian revolutionaries organized manifestations for the Defense of Chairman Gonzalo and also spreaded posters in this demand.


The International Buerau of Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) released a declaration in solidarty with the Chairman Gonzalo and call up for his immediate release.


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