This year, on the occation of the 48th anniversary of the murder of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, the following Trailer for the Movie "ON RED ROAD. A Journey with Charu Majumdar" was published by the site RedSpark. Charu Mazumdar was murdered at police custody in Kolkata.
It is a tribute to the revolutionary leader and founder of the Communist Party of India (ML), who under the guidance of the then called Mao Tse-Tung-Thought made a important contributions for the path of the Indian revolution. He correctly characterized the Indian society as being semi-feudal and semi-colonial, with a bureaucratic capitalism, defining the path of armed struggle with the method of people's war. Today we see the result of this struggle in the successful revolutionary struggle of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), who took up the way of Charu Mazumdar. To uphold this important communist leader, means to learn from his struggle and path.