In August, the League of Poor Peasants (LCP) of Brazil celebrated the 25th anniversary of the heroic resistance of the peasants of Corumbiara. This heroic struggle of the peasantry gave birth to a new type of peasant movement in Brazil, from which the organization of the League of Poor Peasants of Rondônia and Western Amazonia arose. This heroic resistance of the peasants put the struggle for land on a new and higher foundation, as it broke with all opportunistic practices which, through negotiations with the authorities, have betrayed the struggle of the peasants. The LCP gained strength, conquered territories and reclaimed important areas from the class enemy. It now stands for the brave struggle of the landless peasants in all parts of Brazil as their organization to advance the necessary agrarian revolution.
Revolutionaries and red activists from Austria carried out numerous different actions during whole September to mark the 25th anniversary of the heroic resistance of the peasants of Corumbiara. As seen in the video message, the actions were linked to important places and heroes in the history of the Austrian working-class movement, as well as to current important struggles of the working class, such as at the MAN Atomobile Factory or the Hotel Sacher. This activities are a powerful signal of proletarian internationalism and shows the international unity of the oppressed and exploited!
We are very pleased that the video was made available for publication, which we are happy to publish here:
For subtitles in spanish click "CC" at bottom of the video on the right side. Para los subtítulos en español haga clic en "CC"!