In August the reactionary press launched a fierce campaign against Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (Current of the People Red Sun). This smear campaign surfaced when the order was given to detain seven leaders of the organisation. What followed were massive mobilisations from the organisation. The old state of large-estate owners and great bourgeois responded with an order to "apply the whole power of the law". This meant going against the whole leadership of the organisation.
This campaign continues as of today and is now also being focused on the Comité de Defensa de los Derechos IndÃgenas (Defense Committee of Indigenous Rights), short COEDI, and the Sección XXII (Section XXII) of the SNTE-CNTE*. COEDI is being targeted for the alleged homicide of a police officer, while the Sección XXII is being targeted for allegedly setting fire to a cargo trailer during a street blockade.
These charges are being tossed on these democratic organisations by the old reactionary state. They are a clear attempt to justify the campaign of criminalisation, harassment and persecution against democratic organisations fighting against exploitation and oppression.
To justify their anti-democratic actions against the people, the reactionary old state is making use of the media as a lynching tool. By smearing the democratic organisations they expect to cut them off from the masses.
All of this stands in the light of the disappearance of Dr. Sernas GarcÃa and the assasination of Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino by the old Mexican state. Dr. Sernas GarcÃa, a lawyer who was acting in the defence of his Sol Rojista comrades, was disappeared in the midst of ongoing trials of members of the organisation. Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, was a Sol Rojista, who led indigenous and oppressed people in the struggle for their rights and struggle against exploitation. He was murdered in an ambush by paramilitaries.
This goes to show the big worries Sol Rojo and the other organisations represent for the Mexican old state. They cannot sever the ties from these organisations with the masses. They have tried it by disappearing their defendants and by murdering their organisers and leaders. Now, that they see that they are not succeeding in dampening the movement, they move on to smear campaigns and wide repression against the whole leadership. But they will not succeed. Not with smear campaigns and repression, not with disappearances and not with murder.
Corriente Sol Rojo has already announced that they will answer to this campaign with mobilisations and popular struggle on the streets.
The people of Sol Rojo know that only in the struggle they will put an end to the oppression and exploiation in Mexico!
Only with the Red Sun the people will triumph!
Con el Sol Rojo, el pueblo vencerá!
*SNTE: Sindicato Nacional de trabajadores de la Educación (National Syndicate of Education Workers)
CNTE: Coordinadora Nacional de los Trabajadores de la Educación (National Coordination of Education Workers).