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PERU - Poem by comrade Jovaldo

We want to publish a translation of a poem, written by José Valdivia Domniguez, named Jovaldo, who was struggling and murdered in the Shining Trenches of Combat in El Frónton on the 19.6.1986. It shows the high conciousness of the communists, who gave their lives and blood for the revolution and the international proletariat. Progressive minded people and revolutionaries can learn from this example, about the attitude in the struggle.


I might be the minority sitting behind bars; but I don‘ t sell my principles for a mass of pottage

I speak in plain language but don't reconcile with traitors; I rather cut off my tongue than falling for a single traitor trap.

The “matures” call me ultra leftist or childish; this does not preoccupy me because I am juvenile.

My thoughts are juvenile and my desire is juvenile; I am juvenile today and forever with the pen and the gun.

They are hawkers prostitutes without honor; they expose their conscience for a shabby favor.

I will not do the same my reason stops me from it; I rather die from hunger than silencing my heart.

I might be the minority sitting behind bars; but I don‘ t sell my principles for a mass of pottage


Puedo estar en minoria encontrarme tras las rejas; más no vendo mis principios por un plato de lentejas.

Hablo claro sin tapujos no concilio con traidores; antes me corto la lengua de un solo tajo traidores.

Que me llamen los “maduros” de ultraizquierda o infantil; eso no me preocupa yo me siento juvenil.

Juveniles mis ideas y en mis ansias juvenil; juvenil ahora y siempre con la pluma y el fusil.

Allá aquellos mercachifles prostitutes sin honor; la desnudan su conciencia por un misero favor.

Yo no puedo hacer lo mismo me lo impide la razón; antes muero en digna hambruna que acallar mi corazón.

Puedo estar en minoria encontrarme tras las rejas; mas no vendo mis principios por un plato de lentejas.

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