Following we document the English translation of the recent published document of the Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction), which we consider as important contribution to the line struggle of the International Communist Movement on its way for unification.
Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction): Combat Liquidationism and unite the International Communist Movement under Maoism and the People's War.
- On the criticism of the Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan to the Joint Declaration of May 1, 2018
"In other words, provided we do not depreciate the Marxist-Leninist principles, we accept the acceptable opinions of others and we discard those of ours that can be discarded." Thus, we act with two hands: one for the struggle with comrades who make mistakes and the other is for unity with them, the purpose of the struggle is to persevere in Marxist principles, which presuppose fidelity to principles, that is a hand, the other is to ensure unity. The purpose of unity is to give an exit to these comrades, contracting commitments with them, which means flexibility. The integration of fidelity to principles with flexibility constitutes a Marxist-Leninist principle and is a unity of opposites. " President Mao, "Dialectical method for the internal unity of the party" Part of an intervention by Comrade Mao Tsetung in the Conference of Communist and Workers' Parties - Moscow, 1957 In mid-2018, the Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan published a critique of the May 1 Joint International Declaration, signed by 8 parties and Maoist organizations, with the title: "A look at the Joint International Declaration of Eight Parties and Latin American Maoist Organizations ". This document is available on many sites and blogs on the Internet and was translated into Spanish by the Unión Obrera Comunista- Marxist-Leninist-Maoist (UOC-MLM) of Colombia. In him it is affirmed of taxative way that the Gonzalo thought "continues playing a historical negative role and even was behind the elaboration of a Joint International Declaration in the celebration of the International Day of the Workers to promote the sectarianism ...", and proclaims that "... it is necessary that, together with the theoretical, ideological and political principles of the MLM against Avakian's New Synthesis and the revisionism of the Prachanda Path, a struggle against the deviation that has emerged as Gonzalo Thought must be waged. to declare that "The PC (M) A is no longer obligated to maintain the internal struggle, but considers that it is absolutely necessary to begin to carry out this fight at the international level". In the course of almost a year of its dissemination, there was no echo of its appeals, nothing more than the furious attacks that imperialism, the bourgeoisie, landlords, revisionists and all that there is of more reactionary, systematically dispensed, to the PCP, to Chairman Gonzalo and his thought and the people's war in Peru. And although this document makes common cause with the reaction, which as it is seen it did not take into account such aids in its fight against the proletarian revolution. The attacks are not only the text of the declaration, but the ideological and political line of the parties that sign it, express, for that very reason, opposition to the theoretical and practical principles in which the International Communist Movement (MCI) has been unified. Since the publication of this document, a series of important events have taken place at the MCI, as has the publication of the Joint Declaration on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's speech on September 24, 2018, a statement from the December 26 on the occasion of the birth of President Mao and the holding of two Meetings of Maoist Parties and Organizations in Europe. As we approach the Joint Declaration of May 1, 2019, and that the MCI is making great strides towards the realization of the CIMU (Unified Maoist International Conference), we consider it necessary and appropriate to publicly present our comments on its content to expose the pseudo-Marxist-Leninist-Maoist nature of these attacks, Our comments are based on common understandings of ideological, political and construction issues established over the last 10 years, by the parties that started to hold the Meetings of MLM Parties and Organizations in Latin America, as well as other European Parties, North America and Asia, which happened to participate in this initiative. And, although we do not speak here on behalf of that group, we consider this positioning as part of the common development of the International Communist Movement, precisely from its left in this most recent period of its history, in which it struggles to complete the great dispersion of forces that characterized him in the last decades. However, we consider it positive that a Communist Party expresses its views and does not hide them from the International Communist Movement. We are for the active ideological struggle, based on proletarian principles, criteria and methods, as a necessary condition for the International Communist Movement to reach a higher unity, in the ideological, political and organic terrain. However, we will not respond to all the points of this criticism, because in its immense majority, the topics presented in it, are already broadly and deeply based on a large number of joint statements, documents and in the two editions of El MaoÃsta Magazine. Therefore, we will focus on the issues that we consider most relevant, at present, for the unity of communists worldwide. It is also necessary to expand on certain issues in order to enable the large number of revolutionaries of the new generations, as well as new groups and organizations emerged in recent years, to be more aware of the problems, struggles and development of the MCI of the past decades, mainly of the last thirty years. The criticism of the Afghan comrades focuses essentially on two points: 1) - That the PC (m) A is surprised by the fact that the communists could not have a single statement for the MCI, and considers this fact as a demonstration of weakness of the MCI: " The Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan [PC (M) A] did not expect that this year the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations could not come to an agreement on a joint May Day international declaration, but unfortunately that was the situation." And accuses the initiative of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations of Latin America and Europe of sectarianism, "Factionalism ": "The signatories see themselves as the most advanced proletarian revolutionaries in the world and insist so much on this claim that they have justified their sectarianism with the publication of a separate declaration of May Day, considered correct 100%. " 2) That the signatory parties of said declaration are accused of serious deviations in terms of the ideological and political line, deviations attributed to their adherence to the contributions of universal validity of the Gonzalo Thought. Gonzalo Thought is presented as a dangerous " deviationism ," a third form of revisionism alongside Avakianism and Prachandism. Gonzalo thought is pointed, along with the new revisionism for the liquidation of the MRI, even as the main one. The fact that the Afghan comrades, while expressing their desire for a unified declaration, raises furious criticisms and "devastating" attacks on the Latin American and European parties, accusing them of being carriers of serious deviations from the country, is curious. Marxism on fundamental issues, which they attribute to "Gonzalo Thought," This being the case, it is suddenly demonstrated that the Afghan comrades proclaim a unity above the discrepancies of principles, a unity without principles. Well, they claim for not having a unified statement with those to whom, without any valid foundation, they stigmatize "sectarians," factionaries and divisionists. They point exactly to those who, with thorough verifications of their social practice, 1) A necessary clarification As already noted above, a large number of organizations active in the International Communist Movement had a relatively recent appearance and did not directly take part in the two-line struggles that took place in recent decades, so a brief clarification. In the last seven years, since the formalized disappearance of the MRI in 2012, there was not even a single year in which there was a single Declaration of May 1, so that the supposed "surprise" of the PC (m) A by the appearance of the two statements do not find any correspondence with reality. Moreover, sectarianism and arrogance is who, without presenting reasons or minimally valid grounds, that the declaration of the " eight parties and organizations of Latin America and Europe " is that it divided with the " publication of a separate statement of May Day. " On May 1, 2013, the year following the official end of the MRI, at least three joint statements were published: A statement by the MLM Parties and Organizations of Latin America: " In the face of the general crisis of imperialism, prepare, initiate and develop Popular Wars up to communism! an international conference to establish levels of coordination between different parties, organizations and Maoist initiatives that developed people's war or that, in different levels of development, were in preparation to initiate it. The denomination of "Unified" in the character of the proposed international Maoist conference was, and is, a clear deference and recognition of the existence of other initiatives, of which the so-called "Maoist Road" ("Maoist Road") stood out. ). In that same year, a declaration promoted by the "Maoist Road" proclaimed: "The popular masses want to overcome capitalism, the imperialist governments and the governments of their servants! Proletarians want to unite for the party of the revolution! The anti-imperialist struggles and develop the people's war for the world proletarian revolution! " In addition to these two statements, a third proposed by the UOC-MLM-Colombia: "Let us unite and draw a clear line of demarcation between Marxism and revisionism", focused on combating "centrism" in the MCI, attributed to the Parties and Organizations of the "MRI, which continued to support the so-called" Kiran fraction "in Nepal, referring, above all, to the parties of the Maoist Road initiative. In the early years of Maoist Road, his statements were not primarily negative, so some parties, such as the Communist Party of Brazil - Red Fraction, signed both statements, in a clear demonstration of desire for unity. In subsequent years, the proposal of statements prompted by Maoist Road denoted deviation from the course. Over the years, due to content discrepancies and the method of defining it, the first two initiatives were developed in separate ways, expressing two conceptions and two different political lines. In this period, we considered that the existence of multiple declarations of May 1 and of burning ideological themes was just, since it corresponded to the need for different conceptions, positions and criteria to be more clearly explained, with the aim of developing the fight of two lines in the MCI. In correspondence to these divergences, the statements expressed from the beginning different criteria for the construction of the MCI. The history of these statements makes up part of the struggle for the reunification of communists in the world, separating two conceptions and two different political lines. While the declaration promoted by the parties and the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations of Latin America was expressing an increasing ideological and political unity, based on the development of the Maoist forces in each country, and then gaining new accessions, in Europe and America from North; the other statements, such as that promoted by the "Maoist Road", seemed to follow an inverse spiral. On May 1, 2018, "Maoist Road" seems to have culminated its crisis, as its signatories publicly revealed. In addition to its content represent an amalgam of generic positions that do not respond to the minimum problems of the World Revolution and the MCI, since its preparation were severely violated some elementary principles of the relationship between communist parties. In a beautiful demonstration of the prachandist dialectic, in which "two make one", we witnessed the fact that the UOC - MLM, which over the years dedicated joint declarations against "centrism" - attributed to "Maoist Road" - and signed with this same statement, without either of the parties having made any "rectification" of their positions. Different is our consideration of the appearance of the signature of the TKP / ML and the PCI (Maoist) in these statements. As far as we know, those parties were not even consulted about these signatures. In this case it is a gross manifestation of opportunist methods, typical records of revisionism. 2) Some questions about the unity of the International Communist Movement As PC (m) A is known, together with PCm Italia and then PCI ML-Naxalbari, it was one of the signatories of the resolution called "Special Resolution", published on May 1, 2012. This resolution formalized the liquidation of the MRI. In the aforementioned Special Resolution, of which PC (m) A is a signatory, it was stated that: " In this context a potential new wave of the world proletarian revolution develops and emerges, with the people's wars led by the Maoist parties as their points of reference and strategic anchors ... " In the crisis it is clear that the revolution is the main trend ... ... In the countries oppressed by imperialism the perspective of the people's war is to advance. In India, the people's war led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) successfully resists unprecedented attacks by the enemy and is capable of expanding and advancing. The People's War in the Philippines led by the Communist Party of the Philippines advances and establishes itself as an important part of the new wave of world revolution. The people's war in Peru started under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru led by the President of Gonzalo remains an ideological and strategic luminary for the international communist movement as a whole (1st Resolution approved by the Special Meeting of the Parties and Organizations of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement - May 1, 2012, underlined by us). In May 2012, the RCP-USA launched a letter addressed to the Maoist parties and organizations, where it vomits its revisionism against Maoism, Chairman Gonzalo and the people's war. In this letter, Avakian attacks the aforementioned "Special Resolution" and its authors and also announces the end of the MRI: " The leaders of this new" initiative "are not worried about this lack of serious input to things because they are trying to substitute Mao's emphasis on" the right thing of the political and ideological line "with a different" unity "criterion , in particular a demagogic and pragmatic call to take the popular wars led by Maoists as "their strategic points of reference and ... ... the Manifesto of the PCR-USA makes an analysis of the erroneous tendencies within the international communist movement ... an approach towards communist theory and principles as a kind of dogma, similar to a religious catechism ... ... the depreciated call of May 1 ... speaking Maoism without discussing Mao's most important adherence to continuing the dictatorship of the proletariat, and reducing Maoism to the People's War ... .. The Appeal of May 1, 2011 by a new international communist organization is examined, as well as the most recent document of the Draft Proposal [Special Resolution] is notorious this type of approach .... in which people's wars are "the points of reference and strategic pillar". (...) The 2011 document paints a false (and frankly ridiculous) picture in which the people's war is advancing in Peru, the Philippines and Turkey, and that, in a certain way, will serve as the basis for He regroups the communists. (Letter to the Participating Parties and Organizations of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, Revolutionary Communist Party, United States, May 1, 2012) The aforementioned Special Resolution was presented to the MCI as a turning point. The Parties that were its signatories proclaimed themselves the vanguard in the fight for the "formation of a New International Organization" to replace the MRI and, unlike the PCR-USA, they presented themselves as the true heirs of the MRI. Each party has the right to claim continuity of the best traditions of the MCI. However, each party or organization must be measured solely and exclusively by its concrete social practice in the application of the MLM in the revolution in its own country and in the MCI. After more than seven years of this so-called "Special Resolution", unlike being a starting point on which to support, guide, seeking to broaden and deepen the participation of more parties and organizations, as proposed, it was found to be only the outcome of formalization of a situation that was not sustained anymore. Not even the so-called "MRI balance seminar" or any other activity, which had the minimum characteristics and preparation necessary for the construction of the MCI - Ideological, political and organic - were carried out. Neither, as it seems to us, the Maoist forces within it were able to express a real development, which served as the basis for the ICM, so that this was already an agonizing initiative in its ideological eclecticism, We consider that the MRI was a step forward in its time, and that a correct and fair balance of its experience is necessary. In order to carry out this correct and just balance of the MRI, it is necessary to analyze the history of the struggle of two lines in its interior and the role of each party in it. Like all revolutionary organizations, the MRI was divided between left, center and right. Those who today advocate legitimate "heirs" of the RIM must clearly state what inheritance they claim and what inheritance they renounce. A centrist position in this respect is nothing more than adhering to revisionism. Por eso, tomamos como punto de partida la Declaración Conjunta de 24 de septiembre de 2018, con ocasión del 26º aniversario del discurso del Presidente Gonzalo, por representar el punto de vista de un conjunto expresivo de al menos 11 partidos y organizaciones del MCI, Partido Comunista de Brasil (Fracción Roja), Movimiento Popular Perú (Comité de Reorganización), Fracción Roja del Partido Comunista de Chile, Organización MaoÃsta para la Reconstitución del Partido Comunista de Colombia, - Núcleo Revolucionario para la Reconstitución del Partido Comunista de México, Comité Bandera Roja - Alemania, Comités para la Fundación del Partido Comunista (MaoÃsta), Austria, Guardias Rojos - USA, Servir al Pueblo - Liga Comunista de Noruega y Colectivo Bandera Roja (Finlandia) . This group of parties and organizations have, in their majority, all of them, their well-known practice in the International Communist Movement, so that their positioning has an evident relevance. On the balance of the MRI we affirm in the Joint Declaration : "While the MRI was correctly characterized by Chairman Gonzalo as a 'step forward', he also pointed out, with the precision that is proper to it, that 'as long as a correct and correct ideological and political line is followed' will be a step forward. The MRI served to join the communists based on the red line, and this could not be other than that of Chairman Gonzalo, that is, the main thing in the evaluation of the MRI is to verify that it served the world proletarian revolution - in particular to the task of struggling for the reunification of the communists, which served the struggle to put Maoism as their sole command and guide, that is, the struggle led by Chairman Gonzalo, and stopped playing a positive role, when the revisionists of the "PCR" of the United States,taking advantage of the problematic situation of the left by the bend in the people's war in Peru, he came to hegemonize it totally. But that, faced with the new situation created by the general counterrevolutionary offensive, in the 1990s, the other RIM parties did not sustain this step forward. Most of them lacked a clear and correct definition of the content of Maoism, solidity and sufficient decision to apply it. So, in the face of the blows uttered by reaction and revisionism, they did not sustain and deviate. Suffice it to say that there were not a few parties and organizations that in a couple of years, publicly or secretly, adhered to the prachandist or avakianist positions on fundamental questions of Marxism. Some fear the struggle of two lines and are refractory to criticism and self-criticism, objecting in all forms the struggle of two lines on fundamental problems of the MCI and the RPM. On the problems of the RIM, they wanted to impose a "clean slate" and prevent the fight of two lines from deepening. Persisting in their errors, they continue to affirm that "no discussion, no two-line struggle can take place before the International Conference." These are the supporters of the opportunist criterion that unity can be the result of a discussion in assembly or of an agreement between groups and not of the two-line struggle advocated by Maoism. 3) On some ideological principles for construction The proletariat is international, it is a single class all over the world, with unique class interests and an indissolubly linked destiny, one can not be a communist if one does not think about communism, and that, communism or everyone enters or nobody enters, as President Mao emphasized. That is why internationalism is a stony principle, unity a goal sought and achieved permanently through struggle. The unity of opposites, as it governs everything, the true communist unity is the unity of principles, which from the conception of a dialectical and historical materialist world to democratic centralism as organicity through many others, can only be obtained, sustained and developed by middle of the fight. In deepening the great Lenin, President Mao taught us that unity is relative and can only be achieved through a hard struggle, which is absolute. In that sense and for that reason, unity is a permanent goal and a powerful flag to be defended. The great comrade Lenin taught us that unity can not be promised, can not be "created" by agreements between small groups, the "unity must be conquered ... with tenacious and persevering work ...." The unit can advance only with the labor and organization of the advanced workers ... Unity is impossible without organization . "(Lenin, About unity, May 30, 1914. About the unity of the International Communist Movement.) Speaking of unity when unity is sabotaged is an old opportunistic method that seeks to cover up the true nature of the two-line struggle on fundamental issues of Marxism and ICM. The struggle of two lines within a party is a reflection of the class struggle in society, and it is absolute while unity is always relative. We are in favor of the method of the " two-line struggle as a driving force of party development ", as a fundamental Marxist principle, valid and indispensable, for the entire International Communist Movement. After more than two decades of hard international proletarian struggles, false leaders such as Prachanda and Bathharai or failed prophets like Avakian, were unmasked and crushed as a "new revisionism", opposed to Maoism. Meanwhile, Chairman Gonzalo and the contributions of his thought, more and more, were recognized and assumed by the International Communist Movement. They are contributions with which new parties and organizations based on the defense of Maoism and in and for the People's War have been formed and developed with renewed strength. This is a victory for the international proletariat, through a hard struggle of two lines and in the storm of the class struggle. However, revisionism, again and old type, continues to be expressed in the ICM in ideas, criteria and positions of parties that claim to combat it, but in practice do not go beyond rhetoric, when revisionism remains the main danger . In their critical document, the Afghan comrades affirm: " At this moment, claiming an additional evolution to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is unfounded, whether these claims are from the revisionism of the 'Prachanda Way' and the 'New Synthesis of Avakian' or the deviationism of 'Gonzalo Thought' ... Our party he has always emphasized that premature assertions such as 'Gonzalo Thought, Prachanda Path and Avakian New Synthesis' are historically responsible for the collapse of MRI . " Furthermore, Gonzalo thought is presented as an even more dangerous form of deviation to be combated, according to the aforementioned document, because unlike the new revisionism of Avakian, Prachanda and the LOD, it continues to have an increasing influence on the MCI: "because it continues to play a negative historical role and even was behind the composition of a joint international declaration in celebration of the International Workers' Day to promote sectarianism ... Therefore, it is necessary that, together with the theoretical, ideological and political principles based on the MLM against the New Synthesis of Avakian and the revisionism of the Prachanda Way, a fight against the deviation that has emerged as Gonzalo Thought must be waged . The PC (m) A is no longer required to maintain the internal struggle, but it considers that it is absolutely necessary to begin to carry out that struggle at the international level . "(Underlining our). We reaffirm the provisions of the aforementioned Joint Declaration of September 24, 2018, on the occasion of the anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's Address: "So, the problem in the MCI does not lie, mainly, in the fact that Maoism is not formally recognized, but in how some understand it, that is why the importance of starting from who defined Maoism as the new, third and superior stage of our ideology; because only starting from the scientifically established by Chairman Gonzalo is that we can understand Maoism as a unit, as a harmonious system. If it is not part of what was established by Chairman Gonzalo, he falls into eclecticism, opposing appointments, but not understanding ideas. If we understand this, we can understand the reason why there are not a few Parties and organizations that have been stagnating for longer periods of time and do not make leaps in their processes, while those who are most committed to learning from Chairman Gonzalo, in general , they are advancing, mainly in qualitative terms, but also in quantitative terms. Those who rush to put labels we advise them to open their eyes to the material truth instead of being exalted by their imaginations. " Today, 35 years after the foundation of the MRI, Maoism is accepted as a new, third and superior stage of Marxism by the International Communist Movement. Unlike at that time, apart from revisionists of different types and the worshipers of Hohxa and Teng, there is practically no party that is part of the MCI, which holds that we are in the era of Marxism-Leninism or of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought . The parties that today support ML-Mao thought, are already notorious revisionists, and no one could say that they are part of the MCI. Others who had previously been part of the MCI, such as Avakian and Prachanda, have been unmasked as notorious revisionists. However, among these different Parties and organizations, there are different understandings about the content of Maoism. We reaffirm that in synthesis there is no leap in the process of knowledge about Maoism by them. It is not enough to recognize that Maoism is a third stage, a correct definition of its content is necessary, without a correct definition of its fundamental elements, there can not be a correct application. The Campaign for Maoism can not take a big leap only with declarations, studies and debate if it does not advance more Popular Wars in the world, in addition to greater development than those that are in progress. For its part, no party can advance in the central and main task of reconstituting or constituting the party to initiate the People's War, without understanding and assuming the contributions of universal validity of Gonzalo thought, as an unbreakable and indispensable part for the application of Maoism as ideological and political incarnation. That is why we reaffirm that Maoism is the third, new and superior stage of the ideology of the international proletariat, the Marxism of today. Gonzalo Thought is the creative application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the Revolution in Peru through the People's War, without which we could not understand Maoism. So today, to attack Maoism, revisionism in its most varied expressions points increasingly and centrally against Gonzalo thought, with the aim of preventing a correct assimilation of Maoism, emptying and reducing its content, sterilizing it. That is why the campaign in defense of Chairman Gonzalo and the campaign for Maoism are two strategic campaigns and inseparably linked, as recently stated by the Maoist Communist Party (France), to defend "Chairman Gonzalo is to defend Maoism." The Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan, in launching its attacks against Chairman Gonzalo, invariably aims against Maoism and launches itself into the swamp of revisionism, undermining the basis of unity of the International Communist Movement. 4) Some questions about political construction : The most serious and revealing is the position of the Afghan comrades on the Popular Wars in the world. The PC (m) A separates the MCI from its base, denies the advance of the proletarian revolution undermining the unity of the International Communist Movement. The PC (m) A stands up as a relentless judge when he states: "there is currently no people's war in Turkey ... The PC (m) Not to agree with the joint May Day international meeting on the existence of a people's war in Turkey, neither before nor this year ... ". According to the Afghan comrades, to defend the People's War in Turkey: "it damages the reputation of the declaration and its signatories and does not benefit anyone". All communists in the world have always observed with particular attention the development of the Revolution in Turkey. In this country, under the impact of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in People's China, the party was formed in 1972 by Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, as a Marxist-Leninist communist party attached to Mao Tsetung thought. In the 1990s the TKP / ML recognized Maoism as third, new and superior stage of Marxism. The history of the Party and the People's War in this country, like others, suffered blows and deviations from the ideological, political and organic point of view that prevented its further development. However, the central and main thing is that the flag of the People's War raised by Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, continued and continues to be deployed by the TKP / ML, by the heroic TIKKO, and by the masses of people who fight under his leadership to carry out the Revolution of New Democracy through People's War. As is public knowledge, in the last years an important fight of two lines within the TKP / ML took place. In it, through hard struggle, the left imposed itself by defeating a right-wing opportunist liquidationist black gang that sought to destroy the Party and liquidate the People's War, placing the proletariat and popular masses in tow from the reactionary PKK band. Through a hard struggle of two lines, the left imposed itself by upholding, defending and applying Maoism, the people's war and purging the Party of the liquidationist band. This is a great victory of the proletariat and the popular masses in Turkey (Turks and Kurds, it is not necessary to make this "10th" in Turkey "), the struggle for Kurdish national self-determination and the international proletariat, Maoism and the ICM. It is by more firmly grasping Maoism and people's war that the Turkish Communists are solving and solving the challenges of the revolution, giving it a new and powerful impulse. The position of PC (m) A converges and serves the black revisionist and liquidationist right-wing gang, serving its objectives of denying Maoism, destroying the TKP / ML, and liquidating the People's War. Supporting the Communist Parties and the People's Wars, even if these go through difficult and complex moments and that the real situation is not completely clear is a way to impose defeats on the enemy and encourage the masses and militants when they are at crucial moments. Elsewhere he states: "PC (m) A does not agree that there is currently a people's war in Peru, (...) claim that there is a people's war in Peru, as the two May Day statements of this year (the statement we signed and the statement under discussion), is wrong. The fact is that what exists in the "heights of Vizcatán" in Peru are armed groups of the party and without a party. " ... "without an exhaustive evaluation of his past, including the victories and the failures of the party and the people's war, the PCP can not reorganize and can not restart the people's war. To this end, the PCP must rely on the positive achievements of the first party congress in 1986 [sic], but this alone is not enough. The party must identify the deficiencies of the congress. On the basis of the integral evaluation of the positive and negative experiences of the past and the deployment of the results of this evaluation in the revolutionary practice and the formalization of its results in the second party congress, the party must form a new ideological base- political and organizational for himself. Trusting a congress 32 years ago is clearly insufficient. " To be good teachers it is necessary to be good students before, diligently doing homework is a wise attitude to be able to give opinions or advise with reason and knowledge. But just like Avakian, the PC (m) A does it in an opportunistic way trying to take advantage of the blows of reaction and revisionism and decree the end of the People's War in Peru and the invalidity of the Gonzalo Thought. No revolution in history, anywhere and at any time, has found an easy path. All invariably had to face moments of great and dangerous challenges, transiting for years to the edge of the knife. Perhaps for the triumph of the Great Socialist Revolution of October there was some important change in the general political line after the defeat of 1905-07, was not it with the same line of the revolution defeated in 1905 that was triumphed in 1917? Who, if not the Mensheviks, They proposed a revision and walked the path of liquidationism before the offensive of the counterrevolution? Was not that true with the Great Chinese Revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution? Did not happen by chance a heavy defeat and the power of the proletariat usurped by the bourgeoisie? And by chance these defeats are also not all temporary and relative, since there can be no definitive defeat and in absolute terms for the proletariat? Due to this temporary and relative defeat, the communists of the world should or should not raise the need to take a deep stock of Mao Tsetung thinking and President Mao's role, should or should not deploy and defend Maoism against revisionism? The People's War in Peru led by the PCP and the Gonzalo Thought gave us Maoism. Although the Revolution has suffered a setback and the Party has been disorganized by the blows of reaction in collusion with revisionism, the People's War never stopped for a minute. Firmly united around the historic First Congress, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist congress Gonzalo and Gonzalo's unconditional defense, Chairman Gonzalo, is that unbreakable communists are responding to new problems and overcoming the challenges of any great and true revolution. They present themselves, advancing decisively to complete the general reorganization of the party, which will mean a new and powerful impulse for the People's War and for the World Proletarian Revolution. The great Lenin said that only that which was conquered by the proletarian masses is solid in the Revolution. Comrade Lenin affirmed that the foundation of the Communist International on March 2, 1919 in Moscow was the endorsement of the conquered, not only by the Russian proletarian masses, by all the peoples of Russia, but also by those of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Switzerland, in a word, for the proletarian masses all over the world ... and precisely for this reason the foundation of the Communist International is a solid work "(emphasis added). Did the Revolution in Germany, Austria or Switzerland have a great development? Could they maintain their positions and consolidate? However, Lenin stated clearly and peremptorily: "The ice got moving! The Soviets have triumphed in the whole world. " This was the criterion established by Lenin to judge the development of the RPM and the MCI. This is a valid criterion for a small committee, for an organization or a party, and even more so for the International Communist Movement. It is not by chance that the PC (m) A points against the historic First Congress, which in this year of 2019 marks 30 years of its culmination. The First Congress is a fundamental framework not only for the Peruvian Revolution, but for the World Proletarian Revolution and the International Communist Movement, because it is the First Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Congress in the history of the International Communist Movement, before it there was no other. Even the great and historic IX Congress of the Communist Party of China, to which we celebrated its 50th anniversary, had not come to define and defend Maoism. For the first time the scientific definition of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was formulated for the first time; its application to the theory and practice of the Peruvian revolution as a part and at the service of the world revolution, as an ideology, Maoism and Gonzalo thought, mainly, the general political line with its five elements: international line, democratic revolution, military line, line of construction and mass line, in addition to the basic principles and program, all conquered and sanctioned by more than 8 years of invincible People's War. Son of the Party and of the people's war, the historic First Congress synthesized Maoism as third, new and superior stage of Marxism and gave birth to Gonzalo Thought. In the Intervention on which Maoism was based during the Congress (1988-1989), President Gonzalo concluded by recalling what Marx said about Capital: "Follow your destiny, follow your path, book". That they attack, that they accept, that they doubt, this is the reality, but the word is said; says the Congress, which has to be defined, this is what corresponds and is the debate that has to serve us to understand more and better and more deeply Maoism. Prophetic words! That is why on this occasion we reiterate what was affirmed by the declaration of September 24, 2018: "It is very important for us to greet the comrades of the Communist Party of Peru, who are stepping forward in the general reorganization of the Party and are already nearing the end of the day, a process that takes place in the midst of the People's War, as evidence, a Once again, the recent strong actions of the People's Liberation Army, maintaining the Popular Committees and Bases of Support, the Communists of the world recognize the extraordinary role of the PCP and no one can doubt that the culmination of the reorganization of this Party will mean a key boost for the world proletarian revolution and will be a decisive piece in the struggle for the reunification of the MCI. The unwavering persistence and development of the People's Wars in India, Peru, the Philippines and Turkey, against the wind and the counterrevolutionary tide defeating the successive campaigns of encirclement and annihilation, as well as the calls for "peace agreements" and capitulation, they are a great source of inspiration and solid strengths of Maoism to defeat revisionism and all opportunism. The Popular Wars are the base and center through which the International Communist Movement could be developed with revived force. These are solid conquests, forged like steel in the forge of the People's War . To deny those achievements is to deny the People's War, it is to deny Maoism. In addressing the emergence of new Maoist forces in the imperialist countries, the PC (m) of Afghanistan rules: "In several European countries there are advances in the implementation of Maoism within the imperialist beasts in Europe, to establish the reestablishment of the Maoist communist parties. These advances of the communist movement in the imperialist countries are contested and limited by the problematic of the modality of the people's war in the imperialist countries. (...) We believe that providing such a clear theoretical model is the task of an international Maoist conference and must be resolved at the international level ". The long years of coexistence with Avakian seem to have left a deep burden on the heads of the Afghan comrades. Like Avakian, the Afghan comrades are proposing the development of science detached from practice. According to them, the people's war in the imperialist countries is a "theoretical model", which will be resolved by the "International Conference" and not the application to the particularity of each country of Maoism and the People's War, as the military line of the international proletariat. According to the Afghan comrades, the proletariat of the imperialist countries should expect an "International Conference" to define a new "theoretical model" of the People's War. This avakianada is nothing other than to oppose, in fact, any application of Maoism and people's war and any unification of the International Communist Movement based on these principles. The Afghan comrades affirm that it is an exaggeration to define as a victory for the International Communist Movement, that the communists during the days of struggle against the G20 had raised the flag of Maoism and did not allow it to be lowered. According to the Afghan comrades, these facts are only something that "should not be ignored", and can not be considered "a complete victory" for the international proletariat. It must be clarified that although at this moment there is a failure in the translation into English (the original word in Portuguese "rotunda", meaning "categorical" or "determinant" was erroneously translated "complete") that does not essentially change the meaning established in the present. But the point is that from the point of view of the objectives of its organizers, the demonstration was complete victory. Yes, we reaffirm that the class intervention in the days of July 2017 against the G20 was a resounding victory, not only in Germany and Europe, but for all MCI. For the first time in decades - as the newspapers of the imperialist bourgeoisie recognized - hundreds of red flags with the hammer and sickle were seen directing the battles of the proletarian youth against the repressive forces mounted by the war apparatus of the imperialist bourgeoisie. This Maoist contingent during the demonstrations was inserted in a broad day inside and outside the demonstrations, through actions among the masses of the working class neighborhoods. The Afghan comrades seem not to see what is before their own nose, the worst of blindness is not wanting to see, more important than the immediate and apparent results is the process set in motion under the proletarian revolutionary ideological and political line. Ice starts moving! The Afghan comrades behave like relentless judges, they want to sentence that all progress is insufficient, that every victory is casual, that everything that is red is black. Decree the non-existence of the People's War in Peru and Turkey, challenge the progress of the Communist Parties in Latin America, the United States and Europe and the unification of the communists, where they only see the sectarianism and factionalism, errors, limitations and defeats. It was not preaching the revocation of the verdicts of the Cultural Revolution, accusing them of sectarianism and extremism, of only causing evils and dividing the Chinese people, that in 1975, tengsiaopinistas followers of the capitalist road, conformed public opinion confusing the masses by raising the thought Mao Tsetung to attack the Mao Tsetung thinking to defeat the Cultural Revolution, restore capitalism and liquidate the CCP? You are right! If the parties that took part in the Encounters of Latin America and Europe are sectarian and factional, could the "unifiers" of the PC (m) to offer some example of how you worked to conquer the unit in the MCI, in addition to shooting diatribes against Who spends concrete efforts for this? The Afghan comrades, in their eagerness for a global vanguard of rhetoric, we feel that, beset by their own marasmus, they can not help confessing their prostration, stating that: "On the other hand, internationally and in relation to the reestablishment of a new international organization of MLMs to fill the MRI gap, at least a decade has passed and we have not succeeded. " That is why the great Lenin warned that "The distinctive feature, characteristic of the low-tone confraternity, was his love for the amorphous ..." to deny "everything that is exactly opposed to this amorphousness is one of the basic features of liquidationism. From "On the social structure of power, perspectives and liquidationism" (Published in Mysl magazine, No. 4, March 1911) PC (m) A tries to present an International Communist Movement immersed in weakness and chaos, when in fact the one that is immersed in weakness and chaos, even in cases where some camouflage themselves in a frantic reformist activism, is the opportunist and liquidationist right. MarÃategui taught us that, once the idea is realized, it is no longer possible to speak of an idea but of the realization, of the embodied or materialized idea. As soon as attacking what is endorsed is attacking the conquered, and to oppose the development of the International Communist Movement is to walk the path of liquidationism. This opportunist and revisionist tendency is a countercurrent in the International Communist Movement opposed to Maoism, the unity of the ICM and the People's War. It represents the step to the liquidationism of some of those who kept years to hidden threads in the centrism, sunk in their ideological, political incapacity, and absolute lack of initiative. However, it is necessary to see that this liquidationist tendency in particular is a reflection of the class struggle between revolution and counterrevolution. Where do these positions originate? Of the ballast of the propaganda of the counterrevolution in the head of some. The essence of this liquidationism converges sinister with the triple attack of imperialism against Maoism, against the Communist Party and the unity of the MCI and against the People's War, in order to undermine the unity of the International Communist Movement and stop the advance of the proletarian revolution world. Since Avakian and Prachanda, like the LOD in Peru, revealed their ideological and political line opposed to Maoism, the international proletariat was able to unmask and crush them as a new revisionism, uniting firmly in Maoism and people's war. That is why the right-wing liquidationist tendency needs to mask its ideological and political nature in the pursuit of achieving its nefarious objectives, sinisterly using the opportunistic method of raising the red flag to attack the red flag. The struggle against this right opportunist tendency is, therefore, the continuation and deepening of the struggle against the new revisionism, because this liquidationist tendency is a more recalcitrant and pernicious form of the new revisionism. All those who cross this deep frontier, which separates Marxism and revisionism, must be relentlessly crushed by the international proletariat. However, we reaffirm the provisions of the joint statement of September 24, 2018: "Let it be clear: that the communists reaffirm ourselves in the principle of criticism and self-criticism and the seriousness of a Party, as Lenin taught it, is measured by its ability to take on self-criticism, which is why we do not close the door to anyone, apart Those who have stained their hands with the blood of the masses So, if those who have committed wrongs and serious really want to correct themselves are very welcome, for that to happen they have to prove their treatment of communists and close ranks with the left, that they understand that to be a boss one has to move beyond that of their "close and dear ones", that a proletarian leader is not a ridiculous boss but knows how to direct the transformation of the world. And, we will emphasize here once again so that the opportunist right in the MCI remains without any margin for the misrepresentations and maneuvers: we are in the struggle to arrive at unity based on the principles, starting from this we are about to reach agreements. But we reject any manifestation of hypocrisy, dishonesty and disloyalty in the relations between the communists, so we propose all the positions we defend, putting them on the table clearly and without gaps for any deception. Hence, as in the Declaration, object of the criticism of the Afghan comrades, we defend a Unified Maoist International Conference based on the defense of Maoism and the people's war, and on this basis reach the necessary agreements for creation, the most soon as possible, of the new international organization of the proletariat, for which it claims with its increasingly stormy world struggles, towards the future Communist International. The rest are themes for the two-line struggle that must continue, always as a means of permanently raising the unity of the communists. Therefore, as President Mao bases in the citation put in the introduction of this, struggle and unity, firmness in the principles and flexibility in its application. Thus, in the struggle in the party and in the MCI, around the question of internal unity, we have two hands, we have been participants and testimonies of this practice in the struggle for the Unified Maoist International Conference. The rest are themes for the two-line struggle that must continue, always as a means of permanently raising the unity of the communists. Therefore, as President Mao bases in the citation put in the introduction of this, struggle and unity, firmness in the principles and flexibility in its application. Thus, in the struggle in the party and in the MCI, around the question of internal unity, we have two hands, we have been participants and testimonies of this practice in the struggle for the Unified Maoist International Conference. The rest are themes for the two-line struggle that must continue, always as a means of permanently raising the unity of the communists. Therefore, as President Mao bases in the citation put in the introduction of this, struggle and unity, firmness in the principles and flexibility in its application. Thus, in the struggle in the party and in the MCI, around the question of internal unity, we have two hands, we have been participants and testimonies of this practice in the struggle for the Unified Maoist International Conference. 5) Defend the unity of the MCI by advancing towards the realization of a CIMU and a New International Organization of the Proletariat The process of reunification of the communists of the world is not, and will not be based on seminars, conferences, meetings, or group agreements, but the work of the communist parties that already develop popular wars, of those preparing to initiate them and the communists who Assume the task of reconstituting Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties. The unity of the International Communist Movement is the unity of the real and developing movement, based on the ideological, political and organic construction of each party and organization in each country, according to the particularity of these, and corresponding to internationalism inseparably in the reunification Communists in coordination, new international organization to achieve, with the advance of the people's war where it is ongoing and its start in more countries, the full reconstitution of the Communist International . Thus, in order for the International Communist Movement to conquer true unity overcoming the dispersion of forces, this unity must be conquered on the ideological, political and organic levels. We specify: the MCI unit must be built based on: 1) Construction of the communist parties in each country and the MCI as a whole, as a base; 2) the people's war - from its preparation and development in each country as a part and at the service of the World People's War - as a center, 3) the ideology and general political line - Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as a guide; all through hard struggle of two lines, in the class struggle and settled in the mass line. Unlike the founding period or the existence of the MRI, today a revived International Communist Movement has flourished and developed throughout the world. In Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, United States, Canada, Morocco, Tunisia, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spanish State, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh , Philippines There are real Communist Parties and Organizations based on the defense of Maoism and the People's War. Among these, there are parties that lead Popular Wars and Parties and Organizations that are in the preparation phase to start it, some are in a more developed phase than others. In addition, in dozens of other countries, the conditions for the emergence of new Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations are maturing. This process is shaped and organized in its vast majority, first and foremost, in the realization of five Latin American Meetings, to which were added the four Europe Meetings, meetings, unified campaigns, statements, journals, through which the ICM has advanced in the reunification of forces, expressing a growing unity that was manifested in a greater unification based on ideological and political principles, assuming the main task and pending the realization of a CIMU and the formation of a New International Organization of the Proletariat, which means a step forward in the struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist International. We recall that the First Meeting of MLM Parties and Organizations in Latin America was preceded by a joint declaration, signed by the Communist Party of Ecuador - Sol Rojo and the Revolutionary Front of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist People of Bolivia, in 2008, which affirmed accurately about the situation of the MRI address at the time: "Their action has been ambiguous in the concrete facts such as the peace agreement in Peru and the betrayal of the leadership of the PCN (M) to the masses of the people." Apart from that, we consider that the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement is an important step in the nucleus of Maoist organizations and the objectives of their existence are for the development of the international communist Maoists, our duty is to contribute to the construction of a communist leadership and vanguard at the international level.The process is difficult, but we are aware of that we need to build an ideological unity, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and that the proletarian internationalism also flies in South America and the world " . This declaration was the starting point of the Meetings of MLM Parties and Organizations in Latin America, and it already established the main task of the Encuentros, on which the initiative never moved away. The agenda of the First Meeting was devoted to the struggle over the meaning and situation of the MRI, waking up to find more reports to deepen the issue and achieve a correct and fair balance of their experience. It also drew the Joint Declaration on the situation of the revolution in Nepal of condemnation for the prachandista betrayal, although the signatories, individually, in previous years had already taken a critical position to the "Comprehensive Peace Agreement". This was signed by the Communist Party of Ecuador Red Sun, Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Front of the People of Bolivia, Communist Party of Brazil Red Fraction and Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile (then called by Union of Communist Revolutionary MLM of Chile) . The Meetings of MLM Parties and Organizations in Latin America, since their first Encuentro in 2009, had at least one week each, with extensive prior preparation, which allowed a broad and in-depth discussion of all the topics dealt with, always through the fight of two lines. They were joined by other Communist Parties from other regions of the world, of which they were always invited and were present whenever possible, the TKP / ML and the PCI (MaoÃsta), which lead Popular Wars. The V Meeting of MLM Parties and Organizations of Latin America, in May 2016, represented a leap in the struggle for the reunification of communists in the world. Because from it parties and organizations from different parts of the world went to work systematically for the preparation of a Unified Maoist International Conference. Then there were four meetings of parties and organizations in Europe, in which the struggle of two lines was raised, raising the base of common unity, through which more adherents were added. In addition to the constant campaigns to support the Popular Wars and the defense of prisoners of war and revolutionary political prisoners, including those convened by the CIAGPI, in 2016, 2017 and 2018, this initiative developed three major world campaigns, for the 50 years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, for the 100 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution and for the 200 years of the birth of the Great Karl Marx, respectively. These campaigns, especially the last, were developed in a coordinated manner in dozens of countries, under the same slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite", under the same Plan, the same flag, and the same address. The five Meetings of MLM Parties and Organizations of Latin America, as well as the four European Encounters, are conquests of the class struggle of the international proletariat, in the midst of hard struggles of two lines. The joint declarations, documents, theses, published Journals, were transcriptions to the role of these conquests of the masses, of the ideological, political unity obtained by the objective development of the World Revolution and the International Communist Movement. It is a concrete and tangible construction, materials through which Maoism is becoming increasingly incarnate, you have to open eyes to see and uncover ears to listen, especially the process set in motion. The future CIMU will sanction these advances, these conquests, not without struggles of two lines, but through them, uniting the Communists in what is essential today, Maoism and people's war. The great Lenin said that "in fact the III International was founded in 1918, when the long process of struggle against opportunism and socialchauvinism, especially during the war, leads to the formation of communist parties in a number of nations" ( Lenin, The Third International and its place in History, 1919) A new International Organization of the Proletariat will be a conquest of the international proletariat, endorsed by a Unified Maoist International Conference, which will establish its basic principles and tasks. So, the Unified Maoist International Conference will seal and open. It will seal a whole stage of struggle of the Communists in the struggle against the dispersion of forces and will open a new phase in the struggle of the communists for the reconstitution of the Communist International. The ice has been set in motion! A new wave of RPM has already started and it has to be promoted. Maoism is triumphing and will triumph in the whole world! Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction) - PCB (FR) Central Committee April 25, 2019