Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!
General report on the international week of actions:
„Freedom for Ajith! Support People‘s War in India!“
The international week of action for the release of Comrade Ajith and for solidarity with the People‘s War in India could have been turned into a great success! This is because of the numerous support for this campaign on an international level, the new forces, which were involved and the dynamics, which developed through this campaign. Hundreds were moved, thousands of posters were spread, tens of thousands of leaflets were distributed, hundreds of thousands masses were reached! After the coordinated solidarity work with the People‘s War in India has declined slightly in the last years, especially in Europe, an impulse was set now, in order to emphasize again more strongly the concernment and demands within this work in the spirit of decisive internationalism, to spread it within the masses and to develop this work more strong and powerful in the future.
The banner of solidarity ranged from Brazil to the Balkans, from Austria to Galizia, from Germany over Italy and Belgium to France! Everywhere internationalism and the justified demands and concerns was upheld in the middle of class struggle. The campaign for the Support of People‘s War in India, which is led by the Communist Party of India (maoist) and for the release of Comrade Ajith, was upheld in important demonstrations and peoples gatherings in Brazil and discussed in a meeting of the Women‘s Popular Movement (MFP). In Austria as well there have been special interventions by using the materials and the call of the campaign within activities of the women's movement following the 8th of March (as well as there were activities, which were realized partial together by different internationalist and anti-imperialist forces). These examples show us, that the force of the women‘s struggle was very important, to make great contributions to the success of this campaign! The demands and concerns of the international campaign were also upheld within the present class struggles in France, whereby the campaign was directly carried into these significant struggles of the proletariat and the masses. With the spreading of the international call for the campaign by antifascist forces in Bulgaria, it was the first time, that an international campaign on the People‘s War, led by the CPI(maoist), and for the release of Comrade Ajith has been supported within the Balkans, which means to be a significant enhancement! The Galizian Committee to Support People's War in India made an important work with supporting and spreading the international call, with participating in activities an in addition, activities were carried out in Belgium through its important initiative. In Belgium, or rather Brussels, the formally capital of the imperialist alliance of European Union, the posters of the campaign were put up in public, which is an important signal to the anti-imperialist and internationalist forces. As well the fact, that the call was spread in Germany and activities have taken place there, which connected the concern of the campaign with the concerns of imprisoned Turkish revolutionaries in Germany, which underlines the internationalist spirit of the campaign. In various countries new forces were mobilized through the activities of this internationalist campaign, which shows a good work of the supporting and performing forces within the masses. These are only short extracts of the successful campaign. The numerous activities in various countries expressed a eminently combative character within and through demonstrations, speeches, gatherings and graffiti, which casts no doubt, that the further development of this work can be seized with new strength.
It is nearly impossible to sum up the variety of activities which have been made on an international level within the campaign, in a short report. Hence we want to present a big photo gallery, as well as various sources. Obviously it is the most powerful campaign to support People‘s War in India and for the release of Comrade Ajith since a long period of time. We see, that the proposal to carry out such a campaign was absolutely correct, we see that it is wrong, to hold tight on the old and known conservatively and that this campaign has taken a path, which has to serve us as a good example for the future, from which we should not step back. The campaign was successful because it made a firm connection between supporters and participants possible, which will be important for the future of this work. The campaign was a progress especially because it marks a success against the Indian and international counter-revolution, against imperialism and hindu-fascism. It emphasized the Support of the New Democratic Revolution in India, for the Peoples War lead by the CPI(maoist) and upraised loud and clearly the call of the immediate and unconditional release of Comrade Ajith!
Freedom for Ajith!
Freedom for all Political Prisoners in India!
Support People‘s War in India!
Long live international solidarity! Lal Salam!