Following we share an inofficial translation of a press release of Sol Rojo Mexico:
To the proletariat and the workers of Mexico and the world
To the oppressed peoples and nations
To the democratic and internationalist organisations
To the International Communist Movement
Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo shares that our 22 comrades accused of the crimes of terrorism and carrying of explosives reserved for Mexican military use, who had been arrested in the city of Oaxaca on the 7th of June of 2015 and had been prosecuted in the federal criminal case 30/2015, have been acquitted.
Our comrades were kept in the federal prisons of high security, like the CEFERESOS (Federal Centres of Social Rehabilitation/Reintegration) No. 4, 5, and 13 of Tepic, Nayarit, Villa Aldama, Veracruz, and MengolÃ, Oaxaca respecitvely, as well as CERESO (Centres of Social Rehabiliation/Reintegration) No. 2 of the Villa de Etla, Oaxaca.
During the 14 months of imprisonment and the three years of criminal proceeding, the defense of our comrades, which was led by Doctor in law Ernesto Sernas GarcÃa, managed to show that the whole criminal proceeding was staged, a sham trial, in which arbitrary detention, torture, isolation, solitary confinement, hiding of information, fabrication of crimes and proof were carried out by the landowner-bureaucratic old state against the defendants.
The acquittal of the defendants in the criminal case 30/2015 has been a product of the intellectual work and efforts of Dr. Sernas GarcÃa, whose strategic litigation has not only proven the innocence of our comrades, but also the responsability of the old and expired state in the criminalisation of the fighters of the people. Nevertheless, after the presentation of considerable amounts of proof prepared by the incredible defense of Dr. Sernas GarcÃa, the 10th of May of 2018 our comrade was disappeared by elements of the state without the State Prosecutor's Office showing any progress in the investigation about the location and the alive presentation of this democratic lawyer, defendant of the people.
Today with the acquittal of the SolRojista militants, our organisation in company of other democratic and revolutionary organisations makes the honest acknowledgment to the memory of our cherished comrade Javier López MartÃnez, "Comandante Rojo" (Commander Red), who was also a politically imprisoned on the 7th of June of 2015 and faced imprisonment in its entirety, being liberated with the rest of his comrades and who sadly passed away in March of 2018. For this reason, we uphold that with this absolute verdict, comrade Comandante Rojo has also been acquitted of all charges and has to be recognized as such by all the people.
In this very same way we recognize sincerely the work contributed by the comrade Ernesto Sernas GarcÃa, whose compromise with the struggle of the people has motivated the most irrational and rabid hate from part of the old state, who we make responsible for his forced disappearance. Our acquitted comrades and the ensemble of our organisation endorse our compromise with the family of Dr. Ernesto Sernas GarcÃa in the unwaivable struggle for his alive presentation and the punishment of the culprits. We emphatize that we will have to further enforce the actions around the International Campaign #DrSernasGarcÃaPresentaciónConVida.
We thank the classist backing and solidarity of diverse national and international democratic and revolutionary organisations. The acquittal of the SolRojista political prisoners is also a victory shared with you all.
We endorse the demand of liberation of the comrades Damián Gallardo MartÃnez, Enrique Guerrero Aviña, Pablo López Alavés, Nicasio Zaragoza y Teófilo GarcÃa, recluded in diverse federal and state prisons, all of them also victims of arbitrary detention, torture, isolation and solitary confinement.
We demand the liberation and acquittal of all the political prisoners of the International Communist Movement, especially the 23 youths of Brazil, comrade Igor Mendes in particular, comrade Dallas of Austin, USA, of comrades G.N Saibaba and Varavara Rao in India, of comrade Ibrahim Georges Abdallah in France, of comrade Marguerita Calderazzi in Italy, among many other sons and daughters of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, which together with SolRojistas have launched a sincere rebellion against the old order in their respective countries as part of the tasks of the Proletarian World Revolution.
Freedom to political prisoners!
Ernesto Sernas GarcÃa alive presentation!
Because alive they took him, alive we want him back!
Proletarians and oppressed peoples of all countries unite!
6th of November of 2018