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BRAZIL - Anti-Fascist Protest against Bolsonaro

On the 31st of October 100 students of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMS) came together to hold a combative protest in the campus of Campo Grande against the rising reaction in the country and against president-elect Bolsonaro, the fascist, who will lead the oppression of the Brazilian people in 2019. In the protest they shouted paroles like "Bolsonaro can wait, the popular protest will rise!" ("Ô Bolsonaro, pode esperar, vai aumentar o protesto popular!").

The protesters met around 4:00 pm in front of the university's library, where they started marching and passed through multiple blocks. Paroles against fascism, where shouted, but students also yelled uncountable protest phrases in defense of public education as they made their presence felt with the parole "Student's movement! Present!".

The protest ended at the Concha Acústica (an amphitheatre), where a round of debate and the cultural activity "Slam the conch" were held.

This example shows the Brazilian masses' class consciousness. They are not letting themselves get fooled by the foul electoral system and the defeatist positions and views that are making the rounds because of Bolsonaro's win during the elections. Bolsonaro's results are dwarved by the historical success of the election boycott campaign (the biggest election boykott in Brazil's history!), which sets a clear sign of the masses might and sends shivers to the spines of the ruling class. As the protest shows, the masses wield unbreakable braveness and determination. By trusting in their own power, they are capable of anything!

Ô Bolsonaro, pode esperar, vai aumentar o protesto popular!

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