A member of the killers by the old peruvian state at the shining trenches of combat in El Frontón recently gave an interview to a peruvian newspaper. In it, he tells – opposing the claims of the old peruvian state, which maintain only 133 of the prisoners of war and political prisoners of the Communist Party of Peru were murdered in the struggles on the 19th of June 1986 in El Frontón – at least 300 were massacred. He also claims that the so called “Blue Ward” that was occupied by the heroic combatants of the CPP was completely blown up by grenades. When some of the combatants left the remains and allegedly surrendered, they were shot, one even chased towards the beach and killed when he reached the water.
He maintains that the battle of El Frontón only lasted from the early hours of the 19th until 3pm. Afterwards a massive extrajudicial execution was carried out by the armed forces of the rotten peruvian state, where more than 300 comrades were killed. It only came to an end when the representative of the senate arrived, which is why there are about 30 survivors.
The political prisoners and prisoners of war not only fought in the shining trenches of combat of El Frontón, but as well in the Prison of Lurigancho, where all 126 of them were killed according to “official” numbers. In the women prison of Santa Mónica, two comrades were murdered.
The rebellion of the political prisoners and prisoners of war was no act of desperation but an action decided and planned by CPP through the respective apparatuses. It was a military action with clear political objectives that were directed against the transfer to the, at that time, new concentration camps witch were constructed with the intention to smash the resistance of the prisoners of war, nothing less than part of the ongoing genocidal plan. The rebellion unmasked the true genocidal face of the old Peruvian state, its armed forces and its police, the APRA-Party of the fascist Alan García with the full blessing issued by the capos of the social-fascist Mafia, i.e. the sinister “Socialist International”, in front of the whole world. The biggest genocide against the people arisen in People's War took place in the countryside, the major arena of the People's War, where the deepest and broadest of the Peruvian masses, mainly poor peasants, supported the democratic revolution on its way over the years that went by since the initiation of the armed struggle in 1980; there the genocidal hordes of the old state massacred ten-thousands and there were the greatest expressions of heroism. In this way the rebellion of these political prisoners and prisoners of war in the shining trenches of combat in Lima served to enforce that the international public opinion couldn’t deny to see what really was going on in the country. This is an important accentuation today because Lima is still the biggest resonator. Actions carried out there echo in the whole Peru and on international level – an aspect not to forget regarding the new big impulse of the People's War.
The heroic struggle of the combatants of the shining trenches of combat on the 19th of June 1986 is still an example for all revolutionaries, showing what it means to give ones live for the party and the revolution.