27. Dez. 20212 Min.

MEXICO - Urgent: Comrade Salvador Pinal Meléndez to leave prison

Following we document a unoficial translation of a call from Mexico, by the People's Current Red Sun:

To the working class and the workers

To the poor peasantry and the oppressed original peoples

To the trade unions and sister organisations


With revolutionary jubilation we report that this afternoon we have achieved a fundamental turning point in the criminal case against comrade Salvador Pinal Meléndez, political prisoner and opponent of the CIIT. After the multiple inconsistencies and delirious anti-juridical decisions of the control judge of Tehuantepec, Jorge Giraldo Robles Hernández, we managed to attract the criminal case to the judicial circuit of Valles Centrales, thus generating the procedural balance that was needed.

Today the hearing was held to review and modify the precautionary measure imposed against Salvador Pinal Meléndez, where the control judge of the judicial circuit of Valles Centrales agreed to substitute the precautionary measure of pre-trial detention for the figure of house arrest in favour of our comrade, who since the 20th of September has been a political prisoner for defending his land after an armed gang attacked him in his home, destroying his crops.

Salvador Pinal Meléndez is in delicate health, so the modification of the precautionary measure will safeguard his right to health and life, as well as the pro-persona principle and the presumption of innocence.

Our comrade will leave prison today to be transferred to his home where he will be able to receive the medical attention he needs and the care of his family.

We have not yet concluded this case. We have yet to prove the innocence of Salvador Pinal Meléndez, who has been the victim of dispossession by the armed gang commanded by the mercenary "Tacho Canasta" at the service of the latifundia and the CIIT.

This mercenary and his entire criminal group should be in prison for the attacks against the inhabitants and community members, as well as for the aggressions against the community of Santa Cruz Tagolaba.

We will continue our struggle for justice and the defence of the rights of the people.

Freedom and acquittal for Salvador Pinal Meléndez!

Down with megaprojects of dispossession and death!

The Interoceanic Corridor will not pass!

Let the workers rule the country!

With the Red Sun, the people will win!

People's Current Red Sun
