10. Aug. 20212 Min.

EUROPE - Large-scale demonstrations against compulsory vaccination

In Italy, France and Greece it came in the past weeks to large, partly very fierce mass protests against a Covid vaccination obligation. The masses are right to take to the streets, as these measures obviously do not serve to protect the health of the broad masses!

When Mcron in France announced a vaccination obligation for certain occupational groups hundreds of thousands went resolutely on the road. From mid-September, health and care workers, as well as security and rescue workers, will have to prove that they have been vaccinated in order to do their jobs. Those who cannot do so will face suspension without pay. Once again, that broke the camel's back. The protests were also directed against the EU's digital Corona certificate as a condition for access to public places - such as museums and shopping centers, restaurants as well as long-distance trains.

Already at the first protests, more than 160,000 people participated. Just a few days ago, on August 7, 237,000 people took part in the largest rally so far since the new mass protests began last month. Rallies were held again in the capital, Paris, but also in numerous other cities.

The situation in Greece is similar. While the rulers are exposing the population to devastating forest fires through cutbacks, they are enforcing forced vaccinations ostensibly to protect the population. In the case of health personnel, a refusal to act can cost up to 200,000 euros in fines. Massive cuts have been made in firefighting, health personnel and health care, and the conditions for the population are catastrophic. Rightly it makes angry and skeptical, if now a vaccination obligation is to be enforced - and obviously money is there, in order to throw it after the pharmaceutical companies!

In Italy, demonstrations were held in 80 cities under the slogan "no Pass". Tens of thousands took part and defended themselves against the restrictions on gastronomy introduced at the beginning of August and the announced vaccination obligation for certain professional groups. Weeks earlier, medical personnel protested against compulsory vaccination.

In recent months, the masses have seen only too well that measures are enforced in the interests of the capitalists, not the masses. Not differently it behaves with the vaccination obligation, which is nothing else than a "promotion" for the Pharmaindustrie. The vaccine was not only imposed without taking into account (already fought for) medical standards, but it is also not capable of neutralizing the virus. While billions of euros are invested in an ineffective vaccine, there is no expansion of the public health system in any country. The picture is the same all over the world (albeit with varying degrees of intensity): Hospitals are understaffed, there is too little capacity, staff are burnt out and underpaid. A political course is being enforced that makes the population pay. As justified as the struggle against the anti-worker and anti-people covid measures of the rulers is, as necessary it is to develop a determined struggle for a health care system in the service of the people!