13. Apr. 20211 Min.

ECUADOR - Video in solidarity with the League of Poor Peasants

Aktualisiert: 18. Aug. 2021

The Committee of the Poor Peasants of Equador launched a video in support of the struggle of the League of Poor Peasants (LCP) at the Camp Manoel Ribeiro in Brazil. With that solidarity statement they follow the urgant call for international solidarity against the attacks, intimidations and threats by the Brazilian state in connection with the big landowners (latifundia). [Click here to see the Urgant call for international solidarity]

The Equadorian peasants claim: "The Poor Peasants Committee of Ecuador sympathizes with the peasants of the camp Maanel Ribeiro, in the municipality of Chupinguaia, Rondônia, who are submitted to a large military enclosure by the old Brazilian state in collusion with mercenaries at the service of the latifundio . Not to the massacre of poor peasants in Brazil! Long live the struggle for Land! Long live the League of Poor Peasants of Brazil! Land for those who work on it!"