16. Juli 20202 Min.

LATIN AMERICA - Recent struggles and actions

In the following we document some of the events that have taken place in Latin America since the beginning of July.



On the 2nd and 3rd of July there were enormous protests in most of the big cities against hunger, imprisonment and the anti-people measures of the fascist Piñera government. Especially in Santiago the protests were carried out with determination, there were big fights with barricades being erected.

The reactionary Chilean state tried to suppress the protests with large-scale repression. A total of 1,706 demonstrators were arrested on Thursday for violating the curfew and quarantine. On Friday, a 21-year-old demonstrator was shot by the police. The dates of both demonstrations coincide with the murder of Rojas de Negri and Carmen Gloria Quintana by the military during the dictatorship in 1986. In the midst of the new struggles they are held up by the Chilean youth.


The reactionary army is showing its hideous face once again. Several members of a counter-insurgency unit raped a 13-year-old girl in the most brutal way. She is part of an indigenous community which are in an ongoing struggle. Through various protests they are demanding the punishment of those responsible for several cruelties and the immediate withdrawal of the military from their territories.


During a demonstration, Colombia's combative youth carried out a solidarity action for the Austins Targeted Three. Here is the video of the action.


Oaxaca, Mexico:

Comrade Joaquín Zárate Bernal, a militant of the Democratic Civic Union of Neighborhoods, Colonies and Communities (UCIDEBACC), has been detained. Other comrades have already been imprisoned for five years on the same charges. They are now free again. Comrade Bernal was taken to the maximum security prison in Oaxaca. He has already been tortured.


#Colombia #Chile #Oaxaca #Mexico