20. Aug. 20192 Min.

MEXICO - Preperations against pending arrests in Oaxaca

Five days ago the Mexican comrades from Sol Rojo announced that they would now be in a state of General Alert as the governemnt in Oaxaca has produced seven arrest warrants against trade-union members, including also someone from the leadership of Sol Rojo. About the meaing of this state of "General Alert" the comrades leave little doubt, expressing that their detachments in the countryside and in the city stand ready to respond to the aggression of the state.

The full declaration reads as following (unofficial translation):

General Alert due to arrest warrants against SolRojistas

It is confirmed, that the government of Oaxaca, the State Attorney General's Office and the Judicial Power of the State of Oaxaca have devised a new and perverse plan to criminalize and incarcerate the leadership of Section 9 of the National Independent Union of Health Workers [SINTS] and parts of the leadership of the CURRENT OF THE PEOPLE SOL ROJO.

Derived from work stoppage in the health sector that lasted more then 25 days, where the democratic union demanded the reinstatement of more then 170 dismissed, the government of Oaxaca has set the repressive apparatus of the old state into motion, accomplishing that it releases 7 arrest warrants against the same number of fellow trade unionists, one of which is a member of the leadership of SOL ROJO.

Section 9 of the SINTS constitutes a part of the historic project of the Intersindical Federation, as an organized expression of class unionism.

Section 9 of the SINTS, and all its membership, are an active part of our democratic organization, CURRENT OF THE PEOPLE SOL ROJO.

Section 9 of the SINTS is affiliated with the Unified Front of Independent Oaxacan and National Unions (F.U.S.I.O.N.) and also with the New Central of Workers (NCT) that at the national level has been pressing the path towards the democratization of the labor-union movement.

Given the ideological-political clarity of our union comrades and the combativeness of the basis of workers, we are not surprised by the attitude of the old state, nor that these or other arrest warrants against out militants and our leadership have been released. This is part of the price that class struggle presents us with!

But in the face of the repression of the old state, we will continue to draw upon the energetic and combative mobilization of the popular masses.

Our organization is declared to be in General Alert against any aggression of the regime and its lackeys; our contingents in the countryside and the city are ready to respond.

Long live Section 9 of the SINTS!

Long live the Intersindical Federation!

For a class line in the union movement!

May the workers rule the country!

With the Red Sun [Sol Rojo], the people will win!



#Mexico #SolRojo #repression