28. Mai 20193 Min.

MEXICO - New International Campaign for the alive presentation of Dr. Sernas and justice for Luis Ar

Today we share an unofficial translation of an informative report published by Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo to their New International Campaign:

We start the international campaign: #DrSenasPresentaciónConVida and #JusticiaParaLuisArmando

To the working class and the workers

To the poor peasantry and the originary peoples

To the deepest masses of the people

We pay the present informative report to the people, who read us through the honest view of empathy, solidarity, camaraderie and proletarian internationalism.

This 14th of May of 2019, one year after the forced disappearance of our comrade Doctor Ernesto Sernas García and one month after the devious assassination of our comrade Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, our democratic organization has resolved to again take to the streets, this time with the support of sister organizations with whom we form lines in the Coordination for the freedom of political prisoners, to announce the beginning of a New International Campaign.

This New International Campaign has two fundamental slogans and is engraved in the hashtags #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida and #JusticiaParaLuisArmando.

With the backing of the Coordination, we have announced that in this campaign advocacy, democratic, revolutionary and communist organizations of Mexico and different parts of the world will be participating.

Like this, with a press conference, a political act and the pasting of posters with the central image of the International Campaign, we the SolRojistas retake with energy the demands of justice of our organization.

We have just carried out this activity today outside of the Palacio de la Ignominia (which is the palace of government) in the frame of the installation of the First Ordinary Session of the State Council of Public Security, led by the governor of the state, and in which the State Attorney was present, the Secretary of Public Security of Oaxaca, the National Guard, the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of the Navy of Mexico.

We are denouncing that the apparatus of the old bureaucratic-landowner state is an apparatus of repression of the parasitic classes against the popular masses!

We are denouncing that the State Council of Public Security is an organism of simulation when it comes to the procuration and impartation of justice and that its labor is principally contrary to it!

We are affirming that organisms like these are the formal structure of state terrorism and the war against the people!

Because of it, while the administration of turn in the state and federal government celebrated the installation of its solemn session, outside in the streets, with action and classist struggle, in front of them the militancy of SolRojista mantained that we do not believe them anything, that It was the state! and that we will not cease to fight for justice and the defense of the rights of the people.

Today we start the New International Campaign in the streets, with protests and combativity, boycotting the official acts of the soldiery and the gendarms of the regime.

Today we initiate this International Campaign to demand everstrongly and everclearly the alive presentation of comrade Ernesto Sernas García and the punishment of the murderers of our comrade Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino.

Because alive they took him away, alive we want him back!

Comrades fallen in the struggle, in the struggle will be avenged!

Stop the war against the people and the state terrorism!



With the Red Sun, the people will triumph!

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (Current of the People Red Sun)

Original (in Spanish):


#DrErnestoSernasGarcia #LuisArmando #SolRojoMexico #PoliticalPrisoners #disappeared