29. Juli 20182 Min.

MEXICO - Statement against recent assassinations

In the following we document a statement of Sol Rojo, which was published on their website (http://solrojista.blogspot.com/). This statement handles the recent murders in the lines of Sol Rojo Oaxaca.

"Statement against the assasinations of the comrades in the popular movement of Oaxaca"

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (Current of the people Red Sun) expresses its most energic condemnation of our militancy and structures in direction of the wave of aggression, which in recent days have been registered in diverse sectors of the popular movement in Oaxaca.

In particular the assasination of comrade Abraham Hernández Gonzáles, who was a coordinator of COEDI in the localities of Salchi Cuatunalc, Pochutla, that occurred last 17th of July, and more recently of comrade Rolando Crispín López, who was part of the communal police of the community of Álvaro Obregón, Juchitán, which happened on the 22nd of July.

It is clear for us that both killings respond to the interests of the old bourgeois-large landowner state, since the great bourgeoisie and the large landowners are in collusion and carry on the politics of dispossesing lands and looting natural resources. These are imposed by imperialism in its so-called "special economic zones", which face fierce opposition and resistence between the originary peoples and the democratic and revolutionary organizations of the people.

Both assassinations have been committed on the coast and the isthmus of Oaxaca, and the same as other aggressions consummated against the movement, like the forced disappearance of our comrade, Doctor Ernesto Sernas García, that occurred the last 10th of May, find the most shameless silence and hermetism from part of the authorities of the state and federal government, which permits the broad popular movement to assert that: It was the state!

We solidarize again with the comrades at COEDI, as well as with the Asamblea Popular (Popular Assembly) of Álvaro Obregón, the Asamblea Popular of the Pueblo Juchiteco y la Binni´ Guia´pa Guidxi´ (Communital Police) and we demand the stop of aggressions against the formations of the people in the struggle.

We reinforce the call for unity in the action of confronting and defeating the enemies of the people and imposing popular justice.

Stop state terrorism and the war against the people!

The massacred will be avenged!

Freedom for all political prisoners!

Because alive they took them and alive we want them back!

Present Ernesto Sernas García alive!

Let the workers govern the country!

With the red sun, the people will win!

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo"

#Mexico #SolRojo #Oaxaca #Murders